All readers are informed that I hv started my own astro remedy group. It is open to all. U can enroll urself by clicking on the link given below & post ur query. I will personally be answering all the queries. U can also post ur topics on astrology & spirituality for sharing your knowledge & discussion. U can also learn astrology from the forum
Monday, April 13, 2009
Astrological Prediction For April 2009
All readers are informed that I hv started my own astro remedy group. It is open to all. U can enroll urself by clicking on the link given below & post ur query. I will personally be answering all the queries. U can also post ur topics on astrology & spirituality for sharing your knowledge & discussion. U can also learn astrology from the forum
This month for you from 01.04.2009 to 30.04.2009
All prediction are based on respective Janma lagna’s.
General prediction: Jupiter/Guru is debilated in Makar Rashi & also will be in conjunction with Rahu & aspect of Ketu. Afflicted Guru is also bhav nashak. Jupiter being an all-rounder planet in any horoscope takes care of our dhan bhav, budhi & santaan bhav, bhagya, karma, labh & in women’s chart is also the karak for husband. Guru also is the karak for obesity, diabetes, head, feet, & backache. Those who have debilated Guru in their respective Janma charts, & Guru maha dasha/antar dasha/perpattyana dasha is going on will feel the negative effective of Guru as pointed above in the respective bhav it is situated & those who do not have debilated Guru but guru maha dasha/antar dasha/perpattyana dasha is going on will feel 50% negative effect of Guru as pointed above in the respective bhav it is situated as transition planets also give 50% results in our charts.
All prediction are based on respective Janma lagna’s.
General prediction: Jupiter/Guru is debilated in Makar Rashi & also will be in conjunction with Rahu & aspect of Ketu. Afflicted Guru is also bhav nashak. Jupiter being an all-rounder planet in any horoscope takes care of our dhan bhav, budhi & santaan bhav, bhagya, karma, labh & in women’s chart is also the karak for husband. Guru also is the karak for obesity, diabetes, head, feet, & backache. Those who have debilated Guru in their respective Janma charts, & Guru maha dasha/antar dasha/perpattyana dasha is going on will feel the negative effective of Guru as pointed above in the respective bhav it is situated & those who do not have debilated Guru but guru maha dasha/antar dasha/perpattyana dasha is going on will feel 50% negative effect of Guru as pointed above in the respective bhav it is situated as transition planets also give 50% results in our charts.
Notes: Surya/Sun transits into Mesh/Aries rashi/sign on 13.04.09. Surya gets exalted in this rashi. Mangal/Mars transits into Meen/Pisces rashi/sign on 14.04.09. Budh/Mercury transits into Mesh/Aries rashi/sign on 06.04.09. Guru/Jupiter remains debilated in Makar/Capricorn rashi/sign. Shukra/Venus is exalted in Meen/Pisces rashi/sign & gets vakri/retrograde on 06.03.09. It gets margi/direct motion on 17.04.09. Retrograde exalted Shukra/Venus will boost the share market & will also reduce volatility in the market. Sani/Saturn remains retrograde in this entire month. This will bring instability not only in individual lives but also in the world economy.
Aries: Health remains good and will improve after the 14th due to transit on Sun in Your rashi later. The desire for sense enjoyment will increase. Finances are good but expenses equally high. Relations with siblings will improve after the 7th. Those is political field will see their contacts & contracts improving. Health of mother is a cause of concern. Children appearing for engineering/medical profession exams will do well. Concentration may be disturbed. Your enemies will be now searching for you. Your spouse will be in a mood to enjoy & drill your wallet. This is the right time to explore new openings in your business to increase your income. Foreign collaborations will yield good results. Natives can also look forward for new job offers. Mood will be to enjoy, go for a holiday, but beware around the 12th o 13th you may loose your cell phone or get pick pocketed. Valuables should be taken care of.
Taurus: Health is excellent & you are in a mood to make the best use of it by exploring new business avenues & ventures. After the 6th finances will start drilling holes in your wallet. Expenses towards the family will increase. Energy level is good. Natives who are keen to sell their property will get good offers. Mother’s health will also be of concern. Students appearing for exams after the 6th will find it difficult to concentrate. Loans for growth of business will be available. Surprisingly your spouse will also be helpful to you in your business/office matters. But bad luck still prevails. You may be worried due to your father’s ill health. Married natives will experience conflicts with their mother-in-law. Work atmosphere is quiet dull & lazy. Natives looking for foreign or local job offers should get one. You may need to travel out for work which will also not yield good results. Unnecessary expenses will bother you.
Gemini: Health will be good & stable. Finances will not be stable. Atmosphere in the family will be arrogant and seperative. Energy level is good, but laziness will prevail. Conflicts with your young siblings & friends will dominate. Natives in real estate consultation will see surge in their income. Children will excel in their studies & exams. You may also fall in love with your office colleague & also propose, but no Dostana. Natives looking for loans will get the approval with funds. Your father may also be compelled to take loan. Your spouse’s consistent ill health will worry you. Natives involved in Research & Development work will excel. Fortunes are slow but favorable. Conflict with your father is also not ruled out. You will be innovative in your office and will be keen in exploring new research oriented work. Natives in foreign trade will do well. Natives looking for foreign job offers will get it. Expenses in office work will also increase.
Cancer: Health is still unstable, finances have still not stabilized. Energy level is good. But problems related to throat will increase. Natives looking to inherit ancestral property will get it. Children appearing for exams related to computers, IT, medicine, research & development will do well. Pregnant ladies should be extra cautious; else miscarriage/abortion is a strong possibility. Your spouses’ ill health will be on your mind. Romance is in the air. Conflicts & compromises will always confuse you. Natives having problems related to piles will feel the pain for the same. Fortunes will smile as ever. Natives in government service will see promotion and also will be empowered with more work and also authoritative powers. Foreign trade will boost your desire to work hard. Foreign offers for new job aspirants are also on the cards. Expenses to maintain your status will increase.
Leo: Lions, feeling energized, with Mangal aspecting at you. Finances are also mixed, but sudden financial gains are also indicated. Why not try your hand on lottery, shares, cards, and dice, yes all speculations will yield good results. Natives wanting to buy property will be tempted to buy in their spouses’ name. Children appearing for exams will find it hard to concentrate. Their ill health will also worry you. Conflicts & quarrels with spouse are also not ruled out. After the 14th you need to be on guard while traveling as accidents is a strong possibility. You are also thinking of having an introspection of your enemies. Fortunes will be more favorable after the 13th. But relations with the father may strain. Innovative ideas at work which are more research oriented will be ruling your mind. Natives in foreign trade will see good results after the 6th. Expenses will always keep mounting.
Virgo: Health will be stable. Finances are excellent. Relationship with young sibling & friends will take a back seat. You will show good interest in property matters. Mother’s health will also be a cause of concern. Enemies will certainly have a tough time on you natives. Sudden financial gains are also indicated from matters related to property. Single natives will find their soul mate & may also propose to them also. Natives of opposite sex who are having a living kind of relationship or extra marital affairs will get more involved into their relationship. Fortunes are favorable but benefits of favourable fortunes will be reaped by your spouses’. Work atmosphere in office will be more cordial & of compromising type. Foreign trade natives will do well. Natives expecting new job offers will get in this month itself. Relationship & romance will be in the air after the 14th. Expenses related to research or investigation work will increase.
Libra: Even though your lagnesh is exalted & in your 6th house, sudden financial gains will be experienced. Natives who are looking for loans & advances will get after the 14th. You may also get involved in an intimate extra marital affairs relationship. Energy level is average. Health of mother is also a matter of concern. Conflict with your mother is also likely. Children’s appearing for engineering/medicine faculty exams will do well. Romance with your spouse will be average. Fortunes will be favourable. Conflicts at work may not be avoidable. Natives in foreign trade & also natives looking for foreign job offers will the luckiest ones. Expenses on your spouse will increase.
Scorpio: Health will not be good. Throat infection, chest infection, tuberculosis problem is a strong probability. Breast cancer, thyroid is also not ruled out. Finances will be dull as usual. Energy level is also not good. Matters related to property, new vehicles will draw your attention. A fruitful time is on the cards. Your mother’s ill-health will be a concern for you. Students appearing for their exams will excel in their exams. But be on guard as stomach problem may make you loose your concentration. It will increase after the 13th. Eligible singles will find their love mates. Wedding bells are sounding in your ears. Natives looking for new job offers will find new offers. But overseas assignments may take a back seat. Next 60 days are very beneficial for you all. Natives in research oriented work will receive acclamation. Relations with your father are very stressful. Work atmosphere is slow & lethargic. Natives looking for transfer, change of work place may happen. You will be aggressive by mind, at your work place and also in your business deals. Expenses pertaining to your children’s needs will increase.
Sagittarius: Health will be fluctuating. Financially, not a good period as instability will remain. Energy level is excellent, relations with your young siblings, friends will be stressful. Mother’s health has improved. An excellent time to buy new house, invest in property, buy a new vehicle, home appliances. Children will do well in their exams. For once you will love your enemies. Eligible singles will find their mates through arranged sources. Fortunes will be very slow; relationship with your father will be stressed. You will use your contacts to earn a promotion in your work. Natives looking for new job offers will get now. Overseas contacts & contracts will be a source of asset for you. Expenses on your young siblings & friends will increase. You will find it hard to avoid them.
Capricorn: Poor health, lost name & fame, distress & frustration. Miseries cannot be avoided. Finances are coming but intermittently & are going off immediately. Savings are very poor. Energy level is good. Relations with the young siblings and friends are improving and are also supportive & understanding. Property deals will certainly give good earnings. This is also an appropriate time for you to close property deals. Children appearing for exams will certainly do well. Loans are on the card. This is the right time for loans & borrowings. Romance is in the air, conflicts & quarrels with the spouse are increasing day by day. Natives in the field of research & development will do well. Fortunes are favourable & look good. Extra efforts put in office will certainly give the extra award & reward. Natives in foreign trade will stand to gain financially from the overseas contacts. Natives looking for foreign openings will get job offers the 14th. New job offers will also be their. Expenses on the spiritual front will increase. Right time to give charity.
Aquarius: Health is not on average level. Name & fame is their but when the back is turned backing biting increases. This will reduce after the 14th. Aggression level is very high. Finances are excellent. The money locker is overflowing with tons of money. Political contacts are giving results. More contracts can be signed with their help. Any property deal will give good profits. Right time to sell the property. Students will fare very well in their exams. Enemies & foes can be handled proficiently. Romance is in the air. Disputes, conflicts are resulting in separation & divorce. Fortunes are extremely favourable. Natives in police, army, and military will do very well. Promotions & increased pay packet is on the cards. New job offers from local or international sources look promising. Gains from business are extremely terrifying. A huge hole in the bucket is making all the financial gain drained out. Expenses are mounting, so are the court cases & litigations.
Pisces: Debilated Jupiter is giving you not only loss in name & fame but transition of exalted Venus in your lagna is also restoring. Finances look promising through your spouse. Mounting expenses will stop after the 14th. But your contacts are improving. Make best use of them. Property deals will now yield good results. Mother’s health will improve. Children will find hard to concentrate on the studies which may affect them in their exams. Enemies are getting a fair deal of their enmity shown earlier. Romance is promising. Fortunes will favour. There is a hazy atmosphere at the place of work thus making you feel insecure. Natives in foreign trade connected to liquor, leather will do well. You may borrow or take a loan after the 13th.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Astrological reasons for separation and divorce
Astrological reasons for separation and divorce
We all know about marriage’s taking place and in unsuccessful marriages leading to conflicts & controversy, separation and then divorce. According to Hindu mythology divorce is a very delicate and sensitive issue. In majority of the marriage’s that take place, normally horoscopes of the boy and girl are matched and then marriages are solemnized. Despite the horoscopes being matched than too divorce takes place. There are various reasons for divorce and some of the major and sensitive reasons have been listed below.
1. No sexual or poor or little or unsatisfactory sexual relationship after marriage.
2. Unable to have children after marriage (impotency) or unable to have son after marriage.
3. More wives yog in some natives.
4. One of the spouses being a manglic married to a non manglic spouse.
5. Any spouse continuing their premarital love relationship after marriage or extra marital relationships.
6. Any of the spouses living in foreign land finds a new love relationship in foreign land and then forgets the first marriage.
7. Any of the spouses being arrogant verbally or physically.
8. Daridra/poverty yog after marriage.
9. Consistently falling sick after marriage.
Out the nine planets five of them are either malefic or seprative planets. Sun/Surya, Mars/Mangal, Saturn/Sani and Rahu & Ketu are the seprative planets.
Surya gives divorce when either it is placed in lagna or seventh house. Now here an important point to be noted which many astrologers tend to ignore is that when Surya is in shatru or enemy rashi/sign than only it gives divorce else it only creates a conflict and verbal words may be spoken about divorce. But divorce in such cases is rare.
Mangal & Ketu are seprative planets and in majority cases it gives divorce. Ketu works like Mangal. But it only does not give divorce if it is associated with its own rashi/sign. Consistent controversies always happen after marriages and during its dasha/antar dasha it gives divorce. Fight & quarrels, physical assaults are more prominent & frequent in manglic. Even romantic talks at times results in a quarrel.
Sani & Rahu are the most dangerous planets for divorces. When Sani/Rahu has any association with the 7th house it always gives divorce, except in those cases when it is in association with its own house. Sani maha dasha lasts for 19 years & Rahu maha dasha lasts for 18 years and during its maha dasha/antar dasha, in transit if it gets associated with the 7th house may also give divorce. During this period frequency of conflicts, quarrels, controversies, misunderstanding, arguments are very high. Even relationship at times gets to physical assault by either of the spouses.
Impotency & unable to bear son are common reasons for separation. This is more prominent in small towns/cities or where the rural population is high.
More wives are more prominent in those cases where the spouse lives in a separate country to earn one’s living.
Premarital relationship and post marital relationships, physical assault are very common and happen anywhere & everywhere.
Daridra yog & consistently falling sick is common in those cases where the horoscopes are not matched properly. Only importance is given on the number of gunas matched whereas there is no consideration for gunas which are not matching.
But despite of the above possibilities, divorces still do not happen because of aspect of or conjunction of any of the benefic planets. Jupiter, Moon, Mercury & Venus are the benefic planets. Divorces happen only when the dasha or antar dasha of those particular planets comes.
Those spouses who are staunch followers of their religion & customs never heed to divorce but continue their life by accepting the marital relationship as God’s gift. These natives are very blissful and are always in the good books of God.
Haresh Nathani
Cell +91 9867214103
Tele/Fax +91 22 24031469
E mail
Mumbai (India)
The author of this article is a professional Vedic Astrologer.
1. No sexual or poor or little or unsatisfactory sexual relationship after marriage.
2. Unable to have children after marriage (impotency) or unable to have son after marriage.
3. More wives yog in some natives.
4. One of the spouses being a manglic married to a non manglic spouse.
5. Any spouse continuing their premarital love relationship after marriage or extra marital relationships.
6. Any of the spouses living in foreign land finds a new love relationship in foreign land and then forgets the first marriage.
7. Any of the spouses being arrogant verbally or physically.
8. Daridra/poverty yog after marriage.
9. Consistently falling sick after marriage.
Out the nine planets five of them are either malefic or seprative planets. Sun/Surya, Mars/Mangal, Saturn/Sani and Rahu & Ketu are the seprative planets.
Surya gives divorce when either it is placed in lagna or seventh house. Now here an important point to be noted which many astrologers tend to ignore is that when Surya is in shatru or enemy rashi/sign than only it gives divorce else it only creates a conflict and verbal words may be spoken about divorce. But divorce in such cases is rare.
Mangal & Ketu are seprative planets and in majority cases it gives divorce. Ketu works like Mangal. But it only does not give divorce if it is associated with its own rashi/sign. Consistent controversies always happen after marriages and during its dasha/antar dasha it gives divorce. Fight & quarrels, physical assaults are more prominent & frequent in manglic. Even romantic talks at times results in a quarrel.
Sani & Rahu are the most dangerous planets for divorces. When Sani/Rahu has any association with the 7th house it always gives divorce, except in those cases when it is in association with its own house. Sani maha dasha lasts for 19 years & Rahu maha dasha lasts for 18 years and during its maha dasha/antar dasha, in transit if it gets associated with the 7th house may also give divorce. During this period frequency of conflicts, quarrels, controversies, misunderstanding, arguments are very high. Even relationship at times gets to physical assault by either of the spouses.
Impotency & unable to bear son are common reasons for separation. This is more prominent in small towns/cities or where the rural population is high.
More wives are more prominent in those cases where the spouse lives in a separate country to earn one’s living.
Premarital relationship and post marital relationships, physical assault are very common and happen anywhere & everywhere.
Daridra yog & consistently falling sick is common in those cases where the horoscopes are not matched properly. Only importance is given on the number of gunas matched whereas there is no consideration for gunas which are not matching.
But despite of the above possibilities, divorces still do not happen because of aspect of or conjunction of any of the benefic planets. Jupiter, Moon, Mercury & Venus are the benefic planets. Divorces happen only when the dasha or antar dasha of those particular planets comes.
Those spouses who are staunch followers of their religion & customs never heed to divorce but continue their life by accepting the marital relationship as God’s gift. These natives are very blissful and are always in the good books of God.
Haresh Nathani
Cell +91 9867214103
Tele/Fax +91 22 24031469
E mail
Mumbai (India)
The author of this article is a professional Vedic Astrologer.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Prediction for the month of March 2009
This month for you from 01.03.2009 to 31.03.2009
All prediction are based on respective Janma lagna’s.
General prediction: Jupiter/Guru is debilated in Makar Rashi & also will be in conjunction with Rahu & aspect of Ketu. Afflicted Guru is also bhav nashak. Jupiter being an all-rounder planet in any horoscope takes care of our dhan bhav, budhi & santaan bhav, bhagya, karma, labh & in women’s chart is also the karak for husband. Guru also is the karak for obesity, diabetes, head, feet, & backache. Those who have debilated Guru in their respective Janma charts, & Guru maha dasha/antar dasha/perpattyana dasha is going on will feel the negative effective of Guru as pointed above in the respective bhav it is situated & those who do not have debilated Guru but guru maha dasha/antar dasha/perpattyana dasha is going on will feel 50% negative effect of Guru as pointed above in the respective bhav it is situated as transition planets also give 50% results in our charts.
Notes: Surya/Sun transits into Meen/Pisces rashi/sign on 14.03.09. Mangal/Mars transits into Kumbh/Aquarius rashi/sign on 07.03.09. Budh/Mercury transits into Kumbh/Aquarius rashi/sign on 04.03.09 and later in transit to Meen/Pisces rashi/sign on 22.03.09 will get debilated. Guru/Jupiter remains debilated in Makar/Capricorn rashi/sign. Shukra/Venus is exalted in Meen/Pisces rashi/sign & gets vakri/retrograde on 06.03.09. Retrograde exalted Shukra/Venus will boost the share market & will also bring volatility in the market. Sani/Saturn remains retrograde in this entire month. This will bring instability not only in individual lives but also in the world economy.
Aries: Health will remain good this month. Instability in finaces will increase after 7th march due to transition of mangal to kumbh rashi. Your overall energy will be good but minor throat infections will increase. Attachment with your mother will increase; her illhealth will be a cause of concern. You may visit your doctor for chest & kidney related matters. Children preparing for engineering & doctors exams will be preparing for their exams agressively and will do well in their respective exams. You will give a tough time to your enemies who are hacking on you consistently. You will be more romantic & charmful towards your spouse. Ofcourse this will drill your wallet a bit. Fortunes may not be favourable; government employees will see transfer and shift in place of work. Your intelligence which has been a slow responder will help you in executing your work more efficiently. Jobless natives aspiring for new job openings will get new job offers. Natives aspiring to work/travel overseas will get job offers. Expenses on the family and also to please your loved ones will increase.
Taurus: Your overall health will not be good; you will be very aggressive for the next 45 days to come. Your aggression will be telling on you, your mind & intelligence also. Financially a good period provided you are willing to work hard. Your hard work only will give you financial gains. Relations with your young siblings & friends will be very stressful. Matter related to property & land will be at a snail place fruitful. Children appearing for exams will do well. They will be aggressively prepared. You will stand to gain from your enemies & foes. Do not neglect them, be pally with them. Romance as usual is in the air, but single natives who are looking for dating or partners will find one. Bad luck will prevail specially to your father. Government & all other working natives looking for transfer and/or change of job will get their confirmation. Retrogate Venus will increase your gains from overseas contracts. Court cases will take a new twist & direction. Be prepared for victory. Expenses will also multiply.
Gemini: Your general health will improve accept, problems related to chest will persist. Financially a stressful period will ease. But instability will remain. Your energy level will remain good, your friends & young siblings will be very supportive in your efforts. Relations with your father will be aggressive but stressed & compromised. Matters related to property, vehicles will be very fruitful & will yield good results. Children will excell in their exams. Despite you are not well prepared you will fare good in the exams. Your loan applications will be given the green signal. Your father may also inherit some debts due to their children. Romance is in the air, as your spouses health is a cause of concern. But your will power will remain strong. Fortunes will be favourable but do expect some ill-luck. Work conditions & working surroundings are sounding like musical chairs. You will love to be engrosed in your work & will give your best. Natives in foreign business will excell & stand to gain both financially & also contracts. You will not regrett the drills in your wallet.
Cancer: Ill-health will persist but some relief can be seen interminently. Problems related to throat will give you anxiety. Temporary financial relief will get over after the 14th. You will be forced by heart to speak lies & your rude speech can make relations stressful. You will be aggressive in your efforts, more involved in research oriented work. If you have been waiting for inheriting any property from your mother will happen in this month. This is also the right time to buy new vehicles, move into new house, buy new house gadgets. Pregnant natives should be careful. Miscarraige/abortion is a strong possibility. Children in research work will excell; rest will find it hard to concentrate in their studies. They need to put super extra efforts in their exams. Your spouses will inheret the disease state from you. Romance will be in the air. Constant conflicts, seperation, divorce will be the mantra. Natives having problems related to fistulas will have a tough time. Rectum cancer could be a possibility. Fortunes will be favourable. Friction, fights, dissatisfaction, firing from the top bosses at your work place will persist. Natives in foreign trade will do well. Fortunes will favour them. You may be hospitalized due to asthama or breathing related problems.
Leo: Lions be prepared for some health relatd issues. The next 45 days will make you soar with health problems. Finances will be stable now. Daridra yog due to transit is over for now. Natives working on research work will do well. Matters related to property, house, will give good results. Children will find it difficult to concentrate in their exams. They may not fare well in the exams. Enemies will be tackled by you very effectively. Romance is in the air. Friction with spouse will increase. Manglic yog due to trnasit is the cause. Next 45 days will be very tough with your souse. Fortunes will be favourable. Smothness in your work atmosphere in your office will inspire you to put in more work hours. Natives looking for overseas opportunities will get this time. Native also in foreign trade will do well. Moksj/liberation from all the problems you have had in the past will be the mantra. Expenses as usual will be high.
Virgo: Health will be a cause of concern. Problems related to kidney/liver may lead to surgery. Financially a good period lies ahead for you. Expect strained relations with your young siblings & friends for the next 45 days. Your energy level will also be low. Problems related to property matters will ease. But getting cheated is also a strong possibility. Children appearing for their exams will do well by appling their 6th sense which is very strongly prevailing. Enemies will be handled very effectively. Next 45 days will find enemies being defeated by you. Relationship with your spouse will be charmful, romantic, exotic, and full of pleasures. You will wish the watch stops ticking for ever. Sudden financial gains are indicated. This may happen in next 45 days. Fortunes will be favourable. Atmosphere in your office will be full of friction, fights, quarrels, disputes, and misunderstanding and fearful. Gains from overseas will not be stable. Expenses will continue to drill your wallet.
Libra: Despite teething ill health problems you will remain as always fit & awesom. Financial matters may be disturbing. Insatibility will remain. Your energy level will be below par. Conflict with young siblings & friends is not ruled out. Matters related to property, vehicles will be hazy. A clear picture will still not emerge. Problems related to stomach will increase. Surgery is also a strong probability. Children appearing for exams will find it difficult to concentrate. Single elligible natives will find their love mate. Wedding bells will sound in their mind. Sudden financial gains are a strong possibility. Fortunes are favourable. Work atmosphere is depressing. Constant fights, quarells, disputes & misunderstanding remain. Natives into foreign trade stand to gain. Natives looking for jobs will find new job offers. Expenses on children will increase.
Scorpio: Health will not be good. Throat infection, chest infection, tuberculios problem is a strong probability. Breast cancer, thyriod is also not ruled out. Matters related to property, new vehicles will draw your attention. A fruitful time is on the cards. Your mother’s ill-health will be a concern for you. Students appearing for their exams will excell in their exams. But be on guard as stomach problem may make you loose your concentration. Elligible singles will find their love mates. Wedding bells are sounding in your ears. Natives looking for new job offers will find new offers. Next 60 days are very beneficial for you all. Natives in research oriented work will receive acclamation. Relations with your father are very stressfull. Work atmosphere is slow & lethargic. Natives looking for transfer, change of work place may happen. You will be aggressive by mind, at your work place and also in your business deals. Expenses pertaining to your childrens needs will increase.
Sagittarius: Health will be fluctuating. Financially, not a good period as instability will remain. Energy level is excellent, relations with your young siblings, friends will be stressful. Mother’s health has improved. An excellent time to buy new house, invest in property, buy a new vehicle, home appliances. Children will do well in their exams. For once you will love your enemies. Elligible singles will find their mates through arranged sources. Fortunes will be very slow; relationship with your father will be stressed. You will use your contacts to earn a promotion in your work. Overseas contacts & contracts will be a source of asset for you. Expenses on your young siblings & friends will increase. You will find it hard to avoid them.
Capricorn: Poor health, lost name & fame, distress & frustration. Miseries cannot be avoided. Finances are coming but intermitantly & are going off immediately. Savings are very poor. Energy level is good. Relations with the young siblings and friends are improving and are also supportive & understanding. Property deals will certainly give good earnings. Children appearing for exams will certainly do well. Loans are on the card. This is the right time for loans & borrowings. Romance is in the air, conflicts & quarrels with the spouse are increasing day by day. Natives in the field of reearch & development will do well. Fortunes are favourable but instable. Extra efforts put in office will certainly give the extra award & reward. Natives in foreign trade will stand to gain financially from the overseas contacts. Old dues will certainly materialise now. Expenses on the spiritual front will increase. Right time to go for charities.
Aquarius: Health is not on average level. Name & fame is their but when the back is turned backing biting increases. Agression level is very high. Finances are excellent. The money locker is overflowing with tons of money. Political contacts are giving results. More contracts can be signed with their help. Any property deal will give good profits. Right time to sell the property. Students will fare very well in their exams. Enemies & foes can be handled proficiently. Romance is in the air. Disputes, conflicts are resulting in seperation & divorce. Fortunes are extremely favourable. Natives in police, army, and military will do very well. Promotions & increased pay packet is on the cards. Gains from business are extremely terrifying. A huge hole in the bucket is making all the financial gain drained out. Expenses are mounting, so are the court cases & litigations.
Pisces: Debilated Jupiter is giving you not only loss in name & fame but transition of exalted Venus in your lagna has restored some losses. Finances are instable. With mounting expenses all the money is getting drained. But your contacts are improving. Make best use of them. Property deals may lead to losses. Mother’s health is a cause of concern. Chest related problems will increase. Children will find hard to concentrate on the studies which may affect them in their exams. Enemies are getting a fair deal of their enimity shown earlier. Romance is in the air. Conflicts with spouse will increase. Fortunes will also not favour. There is a hazy atmosphere at the place of work thus making you feel insecured. Natives in foreign trade connected to liquor, leather will do well. Be careful with your wallet & mobile phone, else they may get flicked on 13th or 14th.
All prediction are based on respective Janma lagna’s.
General prediction: Jupiter/Guru is debilated in Makar Rashi & also will be in conjunction with Rahu & aspect of Ketu. Afflicted Guru is also bhav nashak. Jupiter being an all-rounder planet in any horoscope takes care of our dhan bhav, budhi & santaan bhav, bhagya, karma, labh & in women’s chart is also the karak for husband. Guru also is the karak for obesity, diabetes, head, feet, & backache. Those who have debilated Guru in their respective Janma charts, & Guru maha dasha/antar dasha/perpattyana dasha is going on will feel the negative effective of Guru as pointed above in the respective bhav it is situated & those who do not have debilated Guru but guru maha dasha/antar dasha/perpattyana dasha is going on will feel 50% negative effect of Guru as pointed above in the respective bhav it is situated as transition planets also give 50% results in our charts.
Notes: Surya/Sun transits into Meen/Pisces rashi/sign on 14.03.09. Mangal/Mars transits into Kumbh/Aquarius rashi/sign on 07.03.09. Budh/Mercury transits into Kumbh/Aquarius rashi/sign on 04.03.09 and later in transit to Meen/Pisces rashi/sign on 22.03.09 will get debilated. Guru/Jupiter remains debilated in Makar/Capricorn rashi/sign. Shukra/Venus is exalted in Meen/Pisces rashi/sign & gets vakri/retrograde on 06.03.09. Retrograde exalted Shukra/Venus will boost the share market & will also bring volatility in the market. Sani/Saturn remains retrograde in this entire month. This will bring instability not only in individual lives but also in the world economy.
Aries: Health will remain good this month. Instability in finaces will increase after 7th march due to transition of mangal to kumbh rashi. Your overall energy will be good but minor throat infections will increase. Attachment with your mother will increase; her illhealth will be a cause of concern. You may visit your doctor for chest & kidney related matters. Children preparing for engineering & doctors exams will be preparing for their exams agressively and will do well in their respective exams. You will give a tough time to your enemies who are hacking on you consistently. You will be more romantic & charmful towards your spouse. Ofcourse this will drill your wallet a bit. Fortunes may not be favourable; government employees will see transfer and shift in place of work. Your intelligence which has been a slow responder will help you in executing your work more efficiently. Jobless natives aspiring for new job openings will get new job offers. Natives aspiring to work/travel overseas will get job offers. Expenses on the family and also to please your loved ones will increase.
Taurus: Your overall health will not be good; you will be very aggressive for the next 45 days to come. Your aggression will be telling on you, your mind & intelligence also. Financially a good period provided you are willing to work hard. Your hard work only will give you financial gains. Relations with your young siblings & friends will be very stressful. Matter related to property & land will be at a snail place fruitful. Children appearing for exams will do well. They will be aggressively prepared. You will stand to gain from your enemies & foes. Do not neglect them, be pally with them. Romance as usual is in the air, but single natives who are looking for dating or partners will find one. Bad luck will prevail specially to your father. Government & all other working natives looking for transfer and/or change of job will get their confirmation. Retrogate Venus will increase your gains from overseas contracts. Court cases will take a new twist & direction. Be prepared for victory. Expenses will also multiply.
Gemini: Your general health will improve accept, problems related to chest will persist. Financially a stressful period will ease. But instability will remain. Your energy level will remain good, your friends & young siblings will be very supportive in your efforts. Relations with your father will be aggressive but stressed & compromised. Matters related to property, vehicles will be very fruitful & will yield good results. Children will excell in their exams. Despite you are not well prepared you will fare good in the exams. Your loan applications will be given the green signal. Your father may also inherit some debts due to their children. Romance is in the air, as your spouses health is a cause of concern. But your will power will remain strong. Fortunes will be favourable but do expect some ill-luck. Work conditions & working surroundings are sounding like musical chairs. You will love to be engrosed in your work & will give your best. Natives in foreign business will excell & stand to gain both financially & also contracts. You will not regrett the drills in your wallet.
Cancer: Ill-health will persist but some relief can be seen interminently. Problems related to throat will give you anxiety. Temporary financial relief will get over after the 14th. You will be forced by heart to speak lies & your rude speech can make relations stressful. You will be aggressive in your efforts, more involved in research oriented work. If you have been waiting for inheriting any property from your mother will happen in this month. This is also the right time to buy new vehicles, move into new house, buy new house gadgets. Pregnant natives should be careful. Miscarraige/abortion is a strong possibility. Children in research work will excell; rest will find it hard to concentrate in their studies. They need to put super extra efforts in their exams. Your spouses will inheret the disease state from you. Romance will be in the air. Constant conflicts, seperation, divorce will be the mantra. Natives having problems related to fistulas will have a tough time. Rectum cancer could be a possibility. Fortunes will be favourable. Friction, fights, dissatisfaction, firing from the top bosses at your work place will persist. Natives in foreign trade will do well. Fortunes will favour them. You may be hospitalized due to asthama or breathing related problems.
Leo: Lions be prepared for some health relatd issues. The next 45 days will make you soar with health problems. Finances will be stable now. Daridra yog due to transit is over for now. Natives working on research work will do well. Matters related to property, house, will give good results. Children will find it difficult to concentrate in their exams. They may not fare well in the exams. Enemies will be tackled by you very effectively. Romance is in the air. Friction with spouse will increase. Manglic yog due to trnasit is the cause. Next 45 days will be very tough with your souse. Fortunes will be favourable. Smothness in your work atmosphere in your office will inspire you to put in more work hours. Natives looking for overseas opportunities will get this time. Native also in foreign trade will do well. Moksj/liberation from all the problems you have had in the past will be the mantra. Expenses as usual will be high.
Virgo: Health will be a cause of concern. Problems related to kidney/liver may lead to surgery. Financially a good period lies ahead for you. Expect strained relations with your young siblings & friends for the next 45 days. Your energy level will also be low. Problems related to property matters will ease. But getting cheated is also a strong possibility. Children appearing for their exams will do well by appling their 6th sense which is very strongly prevailing. Enemies will be handled very effectively. Next 45 days will find enemies being defeated by you. Relationship with your spouse will be charmful, romantic, exotic, and full of pleasures. You will wish the watch stops ticking for ever. Sudden financial gains are indicated. This may happen in next 45 days. Fortunes will be favourable. Atmosphere in your office will be full of friction, fights, quarrels, disputes, and misunderstanding and fearful. Gains from overseas will not be stable. Expenses will continue to drill your wallet.
Libra: Despite teething ill health problems you will remain as always fit & awesom. Financial matters may be disturbing. Insatibility will remain. Your energy level will be below par. Conflict with young siblings & friends is not ruled out. Matters related to property, vehicles will be hazy. A clear picture will still not emerge. Problems related to stomach will increase. Surgery is also a strong probability. Children appearing for exams will find it difficult to concentrate. Single elligible natives will find their love mate. Wedding bells will sound in their mind. Sudden financial gains are a strong possibility. Fortunes are favourable. Work atmosphere is depressing. Constant fights, quarells, disputes & misunderstanding remain. Natives into foreign trade stand to gain. Natives looking for jobs will find new job offers. Expenses on children will increase.
Scorpio: Health will not be good. Throat infection, chest infection, tuberculios problem is a strong probability. Breast cancer, thyriod is also not ruled out. Matters related to property, new vehicles will draw your attention. A fruitful time is on the cards. Your mother’s ill-health will be a concern for you. Students appearing for their exams will excell in their exams. But be on guard as stomach problem may make you loose your concentration. Elligible singles will find their love mates. Wedding bells are sounding in your ears. Natives looking for new job offers will find new offers. Next 60 days are very beneficial for you all. Natives in research oriented work will receive acclamation. Relations with your father are very stressfull. Work atmosphere is slow & lethargic. Natives looking for transfer, change of work place may happen. You will be aggressive by mind, at your work place and also in your business deals. Expenses pertaining to your childrens needs will increase.
Sagittarius: Health will be fluctuating. Financially, not a good period as instability will remain. Energy level is excellent, relations with your young siblings, friends will be stressful. Mother’s health has improved. An excellent time to buy new house, invest in property, buy a new vehicle, home appliances. Children will do well in their exams. For once you will love your enemies. Elligible singles will find their mates through arranged sources. Fortunes will be very slow; relationship with your father will be stressed. You will use your contacts to earn a promotion in your work. Overseas contacts & contracts will be a source of asset for you. Expenses on your young siblings & friends will increase. You will find it hard to avoid them.
Capricorn: Poor health, lost name & fame, distress & frustration. Miseries cannot be avoided. Finances are coming but intermitantly & are going off immediately. Savings are very poor. Energy level is good. Relations with the young siblings and friends are improving and are also supportive & understanding. Property deals will certainly give good earnings. Children appearing for exams will certainly do well. Loans are on the card. This is the right time for loans & borrowings. Romance is in the air, conflicts & quarrels with the spouse are increasing day by day. Natives in the field of reearch & development will do well. Fortunes are favourable but instable. Extra efforts put in office will certainly give the extra award & reward. Natives in foreign trade will stand to gain financially from the overseas contacts. Old dues will certainly materialise now. Expenses on the spiritual front will increase. Right time to go for charities.
Aquarius: Health is not on average level. Name & fame is their but when the back is turned backing biting increases. Agression level is very high. Finances are excellent. The money locker is overflowing with tons of money. Political contacts are giving results. More contracts can be signed with their help. Any property deal will give good profits. Right time to sell the property. Students will fare very well in their exams. Enemies & foes can be handled proficiently. Romance is in the air. Disputes, conflicts are resulting in seperation & divorce. Fortunes are extremely favourable. Natives in police, army, and military will do very well. Promotions & increased pay packet is on the cards. Gains from business are extremely terrifying. A huge hole in the bucket is making all the financial gain drained out. Expenses are mounting, so are the court cases & litigations.
Pisces: Debilated Jupiter is giving you not only loss in name & fame but transition of exalted Venus in your lagna has restored some losses. Finances are instable. With mounting expenses all the money is getting drained. But your contacts are improving. Make best use of them. Property deals may lead to losses. Mother’s health is a cause of concern. Chest related problems will increase. Children will find hard to concentrate on the studies which may affect them in their exams. Enemies are getting a fair deal of their enimity shown earlier. Romance is in the air. Conflicts with spouse will increase. Fortunes will also not favour. There is a hazy atmosphere at the place of work thus making you feel insecured. Natives in foreign trade connected to liquor, leather will do well. Be careful with your wallet & mobile phone, else they may get flicked on 13th or 14th.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
What Vedic Astrology is all about?
What Vedic Astrology is all about?
Vedic astrology is science, which gives scientific results based on placement of the nine planets in any of the twelve houses or bhava’s in a horoscope. In good old days Rishi Munni’s had divya gyan and complete knowledge of the placement of all the planets through which they could predict and tell everything about the past, present & future of an individual.
When a person is born at a particular day, time and place, he is born with his past, present & future. Everybody wants to know about his or her past, present & what his future will be. Even the Demigods were keen to know the same and when they approached Lord Brahma, Brahmaji replied that Demigods could know about their past, present & future through Brahma and the manushya in this universe will know the same through astrology. Our horoscope is our complete Bio Data in reality.
God gave us a human form or Shareer, but God said now a person in this human form cannot live alone he needs a family to give him company, so God gave him a family. Now God said that this person needs money/dhan in order to sustain himself He gave him money/dhan. Now in order to grow he needs bothers/sisters/friends/contacts/relatives, so God gave him younger siblings, friends, relatives, contacts.
Now with family, money, siblings, and friend’s man needs some place where he can live, he needs some luxuries of life, so God gave him house & luxuries. In good old days a bullock cart was a luxury & now in present days it a two or four wheeler. Now when he has a house to live he needs intelligence and children for the family to grow. God gave him intelligence and capability to have children.
Now when God gave us human form, money, family, siblings, luxuries, intelligence, children God also wanted to ensure that if person has all the comforts of life there will be no difference between hell and heaven so God gave him sufferings in the form of disease and enemies. Now if a person has sufferings he needs someone to look after him and he will also have some kind of lust to enjoy the senses so he gave him a spouse to look after and support and satisfy our lust. God also gave us a certain life span or longevity.
Now after getting all these things God gave us our destiny in the form of fortune or bhagya and also gave us spiritual consciousness to remember God. Then God said that manushya has to do some kind of karma or activity to sustain oneself and the family, He gave us various ways of executing our karma by engaging ourselves in working or doing business and that is how we earn money by selecting the profession as either working for someonelse(service) or doing our own profession. God also gave gave us some losses to be borne by us as whatever we do is not 100% beneficial some part of it always goes as waste which is our loss.
In astrology we have twelve houses or bhava’s. From the first house we see ourselves, from 2nd house we see our family and money/dhan, and from 3rd house we see our siblings, friends, relatives, contacts. From the 4th house we see our luxuries, from 5th house we see our intelligence and our children, from 6th house we see our enemies and our disease state, from 7th house our sexual relationships and our spouse, from 8th house we see our longevity.
Our 9th house shows how fortunate we are and our devotional service, from 10th house what kind of karma we will execute, from 11th house how will we earn money by business or working and our 12th house says what will be our losses and up to what extent.
There are seven planets and two shadow planets or nodes. Sun or Surya is the king of all the planets who is also our father, Moon or Chandra is the queen of all the planets who is also our mother. Mars or Mangal is our defense minister or our physical strength, our younger siblings and our friends. Mercury or Budh is the Prince of the king and queen and is also our intelligence. Jupiter or Brihaspati is the teacher or Guru will show us our direction, give us knowledge or gyan and also show our prosperity. Venus or Shukra is our greed, lust our sexual relationships, spouse and Saturn or Sani is the servant who will do all the work. Rahu & Ketu are the shadow planets who disguise themselves in the form in which house they sit or with whichever planet & house they sit.
Sun being king planet will do his task in 6 yrs, moon in 10 yrs, mars in 7 yrs, mercury in 17 yrs, Jupiter in 16 yrs, Venus in 20 yrs, Saturn in 19 yrs, Rahu in 18yrs & Ketu in 7 yrs. These are our maha dasha’s.
This is what Vedic astrology is all about. Our horoscope tells us what are our good times of life our bad times of our life and our sufferings.
Haresh Nathani
Cell +91 9867214103
Tele/Fax +91 22 24031469
E mail
Mumbai (India)
The author of this article is a professional Vedic Astrologer.
Vedic astrology is science, which gives scientific results based on placement of the nine planets in any of the twelve houses or bhava’s in a horoscope. In good old days Rishi Munni’s had divya gyan and complete knowledge of the placement of all the planets through which they could predict and tell everything about the past, present & future of an individual.
When a person is born at a particular day, time and place, he is born with his past, present & future. Everybody wants to know about his or her past, present & what his future will be. Even the Demigods were keen to know the same and when they approached Lord Brahma, Brahmaji replied that Demigods could know about their past, present & future through Brahma and the manushya in this universe will know the same through astrology. Our horoscope is our complete Bio Data in reality.
God gave us a human form or Shareer, but God said now a person in this human form cannot live alone he needs a family to give him company, so God gave him a family. Now God said that this person needs money/dhan in order to sustain himself He gave him money/dhan. Now in order to grow he needs bothers/sisters/friends/contacts/relatives, so God gave him younger siblings, friends, relatives, contacts.
Now with family, money, siblings, and friend’s man needs some place where he can live, he needs some luxuries of life, so God gave him house & luxuries. In good old days a bullock cart was a luxury & now in present days it a two or four wheeler. Now when he has a house to live he needs intelligence and children for the family to grow. God gave him intelligence and capability to have children.
Now when God gave us human form, money, family, siblings, luxuries, intelligence, children God also wanted to ensure that if person has all the comforts of life there will be no difference between hell and heaven so God gave him sufferings in the form of disease and enemies. Now if a person has sufferings he needs someone to look after him and he will also have some kind of lust to enjoy the senses so he gave him a spouse to look after and support and satisfy our lust. God also gave us a certain life span or longevity.
Now after getting all these things God gave us our destiny in the form of fortune or bhagya and also gave us spiritual consciousness to remember God. Then God said that manushya has to do some kind of karma or activity to sustain oneself and the family, He gave us various ways of executing our karma by engaging ourselves in working or doing business and that is how we earn money by selecting the profession as either working for someonelse(service) or doing our own profession. God also gave gave us some losses to be borne by us as whatever we do is not 100% beneficial some part of it always goes as waste which is our loss.
In astrology we have twelve houses or bhava’s. From the first house we see ourselves, from 2nd house we see our family and money/dhan, and from 3rd house we see our siblings, friends, relatives, contacts. From the 4th house we see our luxuries, from 5th house we see our intelligence and our children, from 6th house we see our enemies and our disease state, from 7th house our sexual relationships and our spouse, from 8th house we see our longevity.
Our 9th house shows how fortunate we are and our devotional service, from 10th house what kind of karma we will execute, from 11th house how will we earn money by business or working and our 12th house says what will be our losses and up to what extent.
There are seven planets and two shadow planets or nodes. Sun or Surya is the king of all the planets who is also our father, Moon or Chandra is the queen of all the planets who is also our mother. Mars or Mangal is our defense minister or our physical strength, our younger siblings and our friends. Mercury or Budh is the Prince of the king and queen and is also our intelligence. Jupiter or Brihaspati is the teacher or Guru will show us our direction, give us knowledge or gyan and also show our prosperity. Venus or Shukra is our greed, lust our sexual relationships, spouse and Saturn or Sani is the servant who will do all the work. Rahu & Ketu are the shadow planets who disguise themselves in the form in which house they sit or with whichever planet & house they sit.
Sun being king planet will do his task in 6 yrs, moon in 10 yrs, mars in 7 yrs, mercury in 17 yrs, Jupiter in 16 yrs, Venus in 20 yrs, Saturn in 19 yrs, Rahu in 18yrs & Ketu in 7 yrs. These are our maha dasha’s.
This is what Vedic astrology is all about. Our horoscope tells us what are our good times of life our bad times of our life and our sufferings.
Haresh Nathani
Cell +91 9867214103
Tele/Fax +91 22 24031469
E mail
Mumbai (India)
The author of this article is a professional Vedic Astrologer.
Effects of Debilated Jupiter/Guru in Transit
Effects of Debilated Jupiter/Guru in Transit
(The writer of this article is a follower of Rishi Parasher’s astrological principles. Hence all predictions are based on Rishi Parashers Principles of Astrology.)
On December 9th 2008, Jupiter/Guru has got debilated in transition. Jupiter is an all rounder planet in any horoscope. It takes care of the below mentioned houses/bhava’s in any kundali & as well is karak for husband in a female kundali. They are:
ü Lagna/general health/Shareer
ü Finances/Dhan
ü Vidya & Budhi/Education & Intelligence
ü Bhagya/fortunes
ü Karma/Action/kind of activity we will do
ü Labh/Gains from Profession
ü Karak for husband in any females horoscope
It is also the karak for health issues
ü Obesity
ü Diabetes
ü Feet pain
ü Backaches
ü Head pain
Its debilitation power is up to 5 degrees. On 9th Feb 09 it will cross 5 degrees.
Transition into Makar/Capricorn rashi, and also getting afflicted due to yuti/conjunction of Rahu & aspect of Ketu, will make Jupiter bhav nashak, meaning it will also destroy the effects of the bhav it is located in. Only afflicted Jupiter is bhav nashak.
Any native having debilated Jupiter in one’s Janma kundali will experience problems related to one or more of the above bhava’s. When the Maha dasha or Antar dasha or Perpattyana dasha or Shukshama dasha or Shoola dasha of debilated Jupiter is going on, this effect is more visible. If Jupiter is not debilated in the native’s Janma kundali and any of its dasha is going on, 50% effects are also felt. In Jupiter dasha we also get the result of its placement in Janma kundali & 50% in transit. Problems take front seat when Jupiter is debilated in transit. Its effect has been elaborated lagna wise as below.
Mesh/Aries: In this lagna Jupiter has department of bhagya & vyay/loss (12th house). It will transit to karma sthan. Here karma gets affected, as there will be conflicts, transfers, father’s speech will be affected, it will affect native’s father name & fame, raj yog of 9th lord in 10th would be cancelled, fortunes will be disturbed and government employees would feel the pinch of instability in their work & place of work. Expenses will mount; because money will be spend on maintaining one’s job. Court cases would be unnecessarily postponed & delayed. Relationship with mother in law will be disturbed. Backaches will increase & aspects of Ketu till November may lead surgery to the spine. Headaches & diabetes may rise. Those who are not diabetic may also get diabetes. Travelers who travel within the country for their living means will see decline in their earnings. Students those are aspiring for MBA or any other professional financial degrees or aspiring for PhD may find it difficult to concentrate or may not get through with flying colours or may take break in their studies. Spiritual masters may see their disciples not performing one’s spiritual activity properly; some spiritual master’s may even get indulged into exploiting their followers.
Vrashabh/Taurus: In this lagna Jupiter has department of 8th house Life span/death/ayu & Labh/Income from profession (11th house). If 8th house has no aspect of any other shubh/benefic graha, life span gets affected. But here Jupiter gets debilated in 9th house. Rishi Parasher says that any planet whether debilated or malefic, when it is located in trikona sthan (5th or 9th house) it loses its malefic power & gives positive results. But being afflicted due to conjunction of Rahu will give results along with the effects of Rahu. Here results will also be very tricky. Fortunes turn favourable, 11th house results, i.e. gains from profession increases, but health deteriorates, natives elder siblings income increases, father losses its name & fame, spiritual consciousness increases, pilgrimage tours increase, obesity will be in control, but backaches will increase, effects of Pitra Dosha may be felt, & due to yuti with Rahu finances will also be affected.
Mithun/Gemini: In this lagna Jupiter has responsibility of marriage/spouse & Karma, but will be placed in 8th house. During debilitation it will affect the general health of the spouse & also native’s karma is affected. Rahu in 8th house is known to increase one’s will power. Will power will be good. Health problems like diabetes, frequent headaches, feet pain, as it also aspects 12th house, eye problem due to Ketu in 2nd house will increase. Desire to eat more sweet meats will increases resulting in obesity. Constant friction with spouse will always be there. Frequent friction at work place, no appreciation, transfer in place of work, change of job, will be very common. If Mercury is also debilated then it will result in loss of name & fame, weakening & indecisive mind. Loss of opportunity may arise due to confusion & double.
Karaka/Cancer: In this lagna Jupiter has 6th house & the 9th house. Jupiter is placed in 7th house. This brings disease to one’s spouse. The natives health also gets affected as it aspects the lagna. But being weak will not be able to protect general health. It also causes debts for the spouse. Fortune turns unfavourable. Father losses name & fame. Presence of Rahu & aspect of Ketu increases friction in marital life resulting in divorce or separation. High temper, blood pressure, diabetes, headaches and misunderstanding dominates. This being also markasthan & presence of Sani in 2nd house in transit, married native females may lose their husband as untimely death, only if the life span of their husband is not good in their chart.
Simha/Leo: Debilated Jupiter is a blessing in disguise for this lagna native’s. The writer of this article is also Simha lagna native. Jupiter has responsibility of 5th & 8th house & Jupiter is debilated in 6th house along with Rahu & aspect of Ketu. Here Jupiter is bhav nashak of 6th house; hence all enemies, diseases, loans, and debts get eliminated. Vipreet raj yog is also formed, (8th lord in 6th house), which indicates sudden financial gains. Karma increases, also charities to spiritual organizations will increase, and dhan/finances will increase. But children’s health gets affected; their concentration in studies will be poor due to presence of Rahu, some children may take a break or drop out from studies.
Kanya/Virgo: The natives of this lagna’s will be lucky to some extent as Rishi Parasher says that when any planet whether debilated or malefic, is located in trikona sthan (5th or 9th house) it loses its malefic power & gives benefic results. But Jupiter being afflicted due to conjunction of Rahu it will also give results along with the effects of Rahu. Jupiter in this lagna has responsibility of 4th & 7th house, both Kendra’s. Jupiter will be in 5th house. Raj yog of 4th lord in 5th house is not cancelled. Hence debilitation of Jupiter will increase luxuries, will increase income from business, but general health will not be good due to presence of Rahu. Natives who are in active politics in this lagna will get benefited the most. Elections can be won. The natives will love their spouses but will always land up in friction & quarrels. Eligible singles will find their love mates but after marriage will feel dejected on the choice of their spouse as debilated Jupiter along with Rahu will always give an unclear image of the mate. Jobless will get new job offers but conditional & less pay.
Tula/Libra: In this lagna, Jupiter losses its importance as it has the responsibility of 3rd & 6th house. Third house deals with Parakram/Energy & sixth house with debts & disease, and Jupiter will be placed in 4th house (Kendra). The native’s of this lagna will be the most affected due to debilitation. Energy level will be low, debts & diseases will increase, politicians will lose elections, increase in public enmity will be seen. Loss on untimed /distress sale of luxuries (like gold, property, land). Loss in agriculture business. Mother’s health will be a concern, lungs will get affected very badly, and surgery may arise in disease related to lungs. Debts will rise, could be default in payments. Mother’s younger siblings will also get affected, young siblings will cheat, not repay amount loaned to them. Some relief will be seen when Jupiter crosses 5 degrees of debilitation. Social contacts will lose its image & popularity.
Vrishchik/Scorpio: In this lagna Jupiter has dhan sthan & santaan sthan. It will be placed in 3rd house. Loss of finances, speech getting debilated, promises not kept, rudeness, energy level will be very low, contacts will be lost, social life will lose its image, problems from children will increase, friction or separation from children, will affect the natives. Conflicts with spouses may lead to separation or divorce. Backaches will increase & surgery may be a possibility. Native’s Father’s health will also get affected. Quarrels & separation with the young siblings & from the family is also a possibility.
Dhanur/Sagittarius: In this lagna, Jupiter has the responsibility of lagna & 4th house, (Kendra). It will be placed in 2nd house. I.e. dhan sthan. Natives name & fame will be in jeopardy, finances will get affected, tendency to cheat financially, anybody who has parked any money out of faith with this native will never be paid back, separation from family, frequent headaches, diabetes, backaches, right eye problem, rude speech, speaking of lies, promises not kept, distress sale of property including gold & vehicles, loss from agriculture income, politicians facing opposition from general public, losing elections, mother’s health detiorating, will be experienced. But a sudden financial gain is also a possibility. Being markasthan may also bring untimely death in the family.
Makar/Capricorn: In this lagna, Jupiter also losses its importance as it owns 12th & 3rd house. Jupiter will be placed in lagna. Lord of 12th house in lagna indicates health issues like Diabetes, headaches, backaches, feet pain, low energy level, loss of name & fame, social issues & problems. Constant fights & quarrels with spouse, may lead to separation or divorce. Loss of name & fame of young siblings & separation from them is a possibility. Death in the family of paternal grandparents is also a possibility. Spiritual touch may also be lost.
Kumbh/Aquarius: In this lagna, Jupiter has responsibility of labh sthan & dhan sthan. Jupiter will be placed in 12th house which is also vyay sthan. Native’s of this lagna will see heavy to very heavy losses as lord of labh sthan in vyay & karak for dhan in vyay and that too debilated. The juice squeezed from the fruit & then thrown in the dust bin, this situation will arise. Income earned from business will not stay in hands, losses will occur in business, orders may get cancelled; overseas contracts may not get renewed or may get with strict conditional renewals which may not be feasible. Court cases which may be of criminal nature will mount; visit to police station, prison, hospital, court, and lawyer will increase. Tension will mount, natives elder siblings will also see a similar situation, quarrels & separation from elder siblings will be a probability. God helps these natives.
Meen/Pisces: In this lagna, Jupiter has the responsibility of karma & lagna. It will be placed in 11th house. Natives of this lagna are always considered the best among the 12 rashi’s as body always supports whatever karma is executed being the same lord. They are the luckiest of all the 12 natives. But here due to debilated Jupiter will feel the pinch of luck running out of them. Self respect, name & fame which they always command will not favour. Body will not support the karma they want to execute. Whatever karma is executed will not see appreciation & acceptances and may face disregard. It will also affect natives elder siblings. Relation will strain leading to quarrels/separation. Even the natives Father’s younger sibling will also experience the same ill effects. But somehow presence of Rahu will give the native the will power to face the revolt & be victorious, that is what Rahu does when in 11th house. However natives in the business of meat, leather, liquor, imports will flourish and reap good gains. Politicians will also see victory in elections but with bitter & tough competition. Natives who are in business association with government agencies will also feel the pinch of higher amount of under the table favours being demanded.
(The writer of this article is a follower of Rishi Parasher’s astrological principles. Hence all predictions are based on Rishi Parashers Principles of Astrology.)
On December 9th 2008, Jupiter/Guru has got debilated in transition. Jupiter is an all rounder planet in any horoscope. It takes care of the below mentioned houses/bhava’s in any kundali & as well is karak for husband in a female kundali. They are:
ü Lagna/general health/Shareer
ü Finances/Dhan
ü Vidya & Budhi/Education & Intelligence
ü Bhagya/fortunes
ü Karma/Action/kind of activity we will do
ü Labh/Gains from Profession
ü Karak for husband in any females horoscope
It is also the karak for health issues
ü Obesity
ü Diabetes
ü Feet pain
ü Backaches
ü Head pain
Its debilitation power is up to 5 degrees. On 9th Feb 09 it will cross 5 degrees.
Transition into Makar/Capricorn rashi, and also getting afflicted due to yuti/conjunction of Rahu & aspect of Ketu, will make Jupiter bhav nashak, meaning it will also destroy the effects of the bhav it is located in. Only afflicted Jupiter is bhav nashak.
Any native having debilated Jupiter in one’s Janma kundali will experience problems related to one or more of the above bhava’s. When the Maha dasha or Antar dasha or Perpattyana dasha or Shukshama dasha or Shoola dasha of debilated Jupiter is going on, this effect is more visible. If Jupiter is not debilated in the native’s Janma kundali and any of its dasha is going on, 50% effects are also felt. In Jupiter dasha we also get the result of its placement in Janma kundali & 50% in transit. Problems take front seat when Jupiter is debilated in transit. Its effect has been elaborated lagna wise as below.
Mesh/Aries: In this lagna Jupiter has department of bhagya & vyay/loss (12th house). It will transit to karma sthan. Here karma gets affected, as there will be conflicts, transfers, father’s speech will be affected, it will affect native’s father name & fame, raj yog of 9th lord in 10th would be cancelled, fortunes will be disturbed and government employees would feel the pinch of instability in their work & place of work. Expenses will mount; because money will be spend on maintaining one’s job. Court cases would be unnecessarily postponed & delayed. Relationship with mother in law will be disturbed. Backaches will increase & aspects of Ketu till November may lead surgery to the spine. Headaches & diabetes may rise. Those who are not diabetic may also get diabetes. Travelers who travel within the country for their living means will see decline in their earnings. Students those are aspiring for MBA or any other professional financial degrees or aspiring for PhD may find it difficult to concentrate or may not get through with flying colours or may take break in their studies. Spiritual masters may see their disciples not performing one’s spiritual activity properly; some spiritual master’s may even get indulged into exploiting their followers.
Vrashabh/Taurus: In this lagna Jupiter has department of 8th house Life span/death/ayu & Labh/Income from profession (11th house). If 8th house has no aspect of any other shubh/benefic graha, life span gets affected. But here Jupiter gets debilated in 9th house. Rishi Parasher says that any planet whether debilated or malefic, when it is located in trikona sthan (5th or 9th house) it loses its malefic power & gives positive results. But being afflicted due to conjunction of Rahu will give results along with the effects of Rahu. Here results will also be very tricky. Fortunes turn favourable, 11th house results, i.e. gains from profession increases, but health deteriorates, natives elder siblings income increases, father losses its name & fame, spiritual consciousness increases, pilgrimage tours increase, obesity will be in control, but backaches will increase, effects of Pitra Dosha may be felt, & due to yuti with Rahu finances will also be affected.
Mithun/Gemini: In this lagna Jupiter has responsibility of marriage/spouse & Karma, but will be placed in 8th house. During debilitation it will affect the general health of the spouse & also native’s karma is affected. Rahu in 8th house is known to increase one’s will power. Will power will be good. Health problems like diabetes, frequent headaches, feet pain, as it also aspects 12th house, eye problem due to Ketu in 2nd house will increase. Desire to eat more sweet meats will increases resulting in obesity. Constant friction with spouse will always be there. Frequent friction at work place, no appreciation, transfer in place of work, change of job, will be very common. If Mercury is also debilated then it will result in loss of name & fame, weakening & indecisive mind. Loss of opportunity may arise due to confusion & double.
Karaka/Cancer: In this lagna Jupiter has 6th house & the 9th house. Jupiter is placed in 7th house. This brings disease to one’s spouse. The natives health also gets affected as it aspects the lagna. But being weak will not be able to protect general health. It also causes debts for the spouse. Fortune turns unfavourable. Father losses name & fame. Presence of Rahu & aspect of Ketu increases friction in marital life resulting in divorce or separation. High temper, blood pressure, diabetes, headaches and misunderstanding dominates. This being also markasthan & presence of Sani in 2nd house in transit, married native females may lose their husband as untimely death, only if the life span of their husband is not good in their chart.
Simha/Leo: Debilated Jupiter is a blessing in disguise for this lagna native’s. The writer of this article is also Simha lagna native. Jupiter has responsibility of 5th & 8th house & Jupiter is debilated in 6th house along with Rahu & aspect of Ketu. Here Jupiter is bhav nashak of 6th house; hence all enemies, diseases, loans, and debts get eliminated. Vipreet raj yog is also formed, (8th lord in 6th house), which indicates sudden financial gains. Karma increases, also charities to spiritual organizations will increase, and dhan/finances will increase. But children’s health gets affected; their concentration in studies will be poor due to presence of Rahu, some children may take a break or drop out from studies.
Kanya/Virgo: The natives of this lagna’s will be lucky to some extent as Rishi Parasher says that when any planet whether debilated or malefic, is located in trikona sthan (5th or 9th house) it loses its malefic power & gives benefic results. But Jupiter being afflicted due to conjunction of Rahu it will also give results along with the effects of Rahu. Jupiter in this lagna has responsibility of 4th & 7th house, both Kendra’s. Jupiter will be in 5th house. Raj yog of 4th lord in 5th house is not cancelled. Hence debilitation of Jupiter will increase luxuries, will increase income from business, but general health will not be good due to presence of Rahu. Natives who are in active politics in this lagna will get benefited the most. Elections can be won. The natives will love their spouses but will always land up in friction & quarrels. Eligible singles will find their love mates but after marriage will feel dejected on the choice of their spouse as debilated Jupiter along with Rahu will always give an unclear image of the mate. Jobless will get new job offers but conditional & less pay.
Tula/Libra: In this lagna, Jupiter losses its importance as it has the responsibility of 3rd & 6th house. Third house deals with Parakram/Energy & sixth house with debts & disease, and Jupiter will be placed in 4th house (Kendra). The native’s of this lagna will be the most affected due to debilitation. Energy level will be low, debts & diseases will increase, politicians will lose elections, increase in public enmity will be seen. Loss on untimed /distress sale of luxuries (like gold, property, land). Loss in agriculture business. Mother’s health will be a concern, lungs will get affected very badly, and surgery may arise in disease related to lungs. Debts will rise, could be default in payments. Mother’s younger siblings will also get affected, young siblings will cheat, not repay amount loaned to them. Some relief will be seen when Jupiter crosses 5 degrees of debilitation. Social contacts will lose its image & popularity.
Vrishchik/Scorpio: In this lagna Jupiter has dhan sthan & santaan sthan. It will be placed in 3rd house. Loss of finances, speech getting debilated, promises not kept, rudeness, energy level will be very low, contacts will be lost, social life will lose its image, problems from children will increase, friction or separation from children, will affect the natives. Conflicts with spouses may lead to separation or divorce. Backaches will increase & surgery may be a possibility. Native’s Father’s health will also get affected. Quarrels & separation with the young siblings & from the family is also a possibility.
Dhanur/Sagittarius: In this lagna, Jupiter has the responsibility of lagna & 4th house, (Kendra). It will be placed in 2nd house. I.e. dhan sthan. Natives name & fame will be in jeopardy, finances will get affected, tendency to cheat financially, anybody who has parked any money out of faith with this native will never be paid back, separation from family, frequent headaches, diabetes, backaches, right eye problem, rude speech, speaking of lies, promises not kept, distress sale of property including gold & vehicles, loss from agriculture income, politicians facing opposition from general public, losing elections, mother’s health detiorating, will be experienced. But a sudden financial gain is also a possibility. Being markasthan may also bring untimely death in the family.
Makar/Capricorn: In this lagna, Jupiter also losses its importance as it owns 12th & 3rd house. Jupiter will be placed in lagna. Lord of 12th house in lagna indicates health issues like Diabetes, headaches, backaches, feet pain, low energy level, loss of name & fame, social issues & problems. Constant fights & quarrels with spouse, may lead to separation or divorce. Loss of name & fame of young siblings & separation from them is a possibility. Death in the family of paternal grandparents is also a possibility. Spiritual touch may also be lost.
Kumbh/Aquarius: In this lagna, Jupiter has responsibility of labh sthan & dhan sthan. Jupiter will be placed in 12th house which is also vyay sthan. Native’s of this lagna will see heavy to very heavy losses as lord of labh sthan in vyay & karak for dhan in vyay and that too debilated. The juice squeezed from the fruit & then thrown in the dust bin, this situation will arise. Income earned from business will not stay in hands, losses will occur in business, orders may get cancelled; overseas contracts may not get renewed or may get with strict conditional renewals which may not be feasible. Court cases which may be of criminal nature will mount; visit to police station, prison, hospital, court, and lawyer will increase. Tension will mount, natives elder siblings will also see a similar situation, quarrels & separation from elder siblings will be a probability. God helps these natives.
Meen/Pisces: In this lagna, Jupiter has the responsibility of karma & lagna. It will be placed in 11th house. Natives of this lagna are always considered the best among the 12 rashi’s as body always supports whatever karma is executed being the same lord. They are the luckiest of all the 12 natives. But here due to debilated Jupiter will feel the pinch of luck running out of them. Self respect, name & fame which they always command will not favour. Body will not support the karma they want to execute. Whatever karma is executed will not see appreciation & acceptances and may face disregard. It will also affect natives elder siblings. Relation will strain leading to quarrels/separation. Even the natives Father’s younger sibling will also experience the same ill effects. But somehow presence of Rahu will give the native the will power to face the revolt & be victorious, that is what Rahu does when in 11th house. However natives in the business of meat, leather, liquor, imports will flourish and reap good gains. Politicians will also see victory in elections but with bitter & tough competition. Natives who are in business association with government agencies will also feel the pinch of higher amount of under the table favours being demanded.
Astrological Analysis of US President Barack Obama
US President Barack Obama born in Capricorn rising with lagnesh/ascendant in lagna itself is stoical to the miseries of life. Possessed of sympathy, generosity and philanthropy, self-willed, strong in purpose, secretive & vindictive, cunning & determined, & strong administrator and good judge of all events of life. He has a good knack to adapt himself to circumstances. He has great aspirations in life and cannot economies’ funds. He likes lot of show and makes sure he gets noted by the masses. He is capable of much endeavor. He is a perfectionist & industrious. Exalted moon has given him a strong & clear mind to imagine the future events & 4th lord Mars has given him the will power and a strong and aggressive mind & down to the earth personality to move ahead in life. Rahu in conjunction with Mars in 8th house has very well supported his determination to excel in pursuing his goals in life. Powerful ascendant lord Saturn will make him powerful & popular in his own community & country but conjunction of debilated Jupiter will also deprive him some of his popularity.
Ketu in 2nd house with aspect from Mars and Rahu will make him ambitious and will gladly help him to discharge his duties; his enemies will envy him and will flee and look for cover and hideouts. His speech will display his good character, respectability & generous heartedness and will also be blessed with forethought. He will make terrorism & terrorist shaky. Terrorism will experience its downfall.
Debilated Jupiter under aspect of Sun & Mercury will give him the strength & willingness to serve others, but will also make him compromise with the Hi Fi and powerful capitalist elements of the society and the world economy. The powerful and the emerging economies will get the required support, but the weak and anti elements will look for compromise from the president. He will make them work hard and will take a tough stand ensuring them to mend their ways.
His foreign policies will lack transparency which will bring a strain in the relationship with developed & emerging economies. Venus is yog karak in the president’s chart but placed in the house of enemy & strained relationships. It will not affect the friendly relationships but discontent will prevail. He will be successful in reducing the quantum of foreigners employed in US.
Exalted Moon in 5th house makes him charming, romantic, and soft at heart and of course all women will love to love him. He will be very popular amongst the feminist. Feminist liberation will always be on the back of his mind. Yes the feminine will be the most ardent and favoured element.
Rahu’s aspect on his 4th house will reverse the general sympathy and support into criticism. He will always be surrounded by the network of critics and opponents. This is the weak part of his chart. This will always make the president feel insecure.
The intelligent & the intellectual, the brainy & planners, will be the most dreaded opponents in the president’s life. The president will face stiff and constant opposition from these elements of the society. They will wow to oppose tooth & nail in the president’s style of functioning.
Mercury conjunction Sun will support the president in changing the American economy, reversing the downward trend to stability and then the upward movement. Stability will be restored by April/May and downward trend will be locked to stability. By Dec 2010 the graphs will start showing the uptrend and the world economy will reap the gains. Scams and fraudulent practices unearthed during this period will be shown the outdoor.
Bullets, arms, ammunitions, will all be aimed at the president. Mars in conjunction with Rahu in 8th house risks the president to accidents; bullets and ammunitions will be aimed to destroy him.
The period Apr 2009 to Feb 2010 will be very dicey for the president. His enemies will be gunning for him. The security cover around the president will have a tough task to locate the genuine and hoax calls. Appointments, schedules will be altered. Secret & undisclosed meetings will be the mantra. March 2010 to July 2012 will be the period of changes; the US economy will see new laws framed & old ones modified. Change will be the anthem of American’s. The world will be asked to change and follow. New technology will be implemented. Secrecy will be very high. Aug 2012 onwards will make him the most popular President the world has seen. Appreciation, acceptances, awards, rewards, bliss, and more will follow for the president. Yes the president will rule for another eight years. Fellow American’s and world statesmen will accept and stand up and say HAIL OBAMA. LONG LIVE THE PRESIDENT. WE ALL LOVE YOU.
US President Barack Obama born in Capricorn rising with lagnesh/ascendant in lagna itself is stoical to the miseries of life. Possessed of sympathy, generosity and philanthropy, self-willed, strong in purpose, secretive & vindictive, cunning & determined, & strong administrator and good judge of all events of life. He has a good knack to adapt himself to circumstances. He has great aspirations in life and cannot economies’ funds. He likes lot of show and makes sure he gets noted by the masses. He is capable of much endeavor. He is a perfectionist & industrious. Exalted moon has given him a strong & clear mind to imagine the future events & 4th lord Mars has given him the will power and a strong and aggressive mind & down to the earth personality to move ahead in life. Rahu in conjunction with Mars in 8th house has very well supported his determination to excel in pursuing his goals in life. Powerful ascendant lord Saturn will make him powerful & popular in his own community & country but conjunction of debilated Jupiter will also deprive him some of his popularity.
Ketu in 2nd house with aspect from Mars and Rahu will make him ambitious and will gladly help him to discharge his duties; his enemies will envy him and will flee and look for cover and hideouts. His speech will display his good character, respectability & generous heartedness and will also be blessed with forethought. He will make terrorism & terrorist shaky. Terrorism will experience its downfall.
Debilated Jupiter under aspect of Sun & Mercury will give him the strength & willingness to serve others, but will also make him compromise with the Hi Fi and powerful capitalist elements of the society and the world economy. The powerful and the emerging economies will get the required support, but the weak and anti elements will look for compromise from the president. He will make them work hard and will take a tough stand ensuring them to mend their ways.
His foreign policies will lack transparency which will bring a strain in the relationship with developed & emerging economies. Venus is yog karak in the president’s chart but placed in the house of enemy & strained relationships. It will not affect the friendly relationships but discontent will prevail. He will be successful in reducing the quantum of foreigners employed in US.
Exalted Moon in 5th house makes him charming, romantic, and soft at heart and of course all women will love to love him. He will be very popular amongst the feminist. Feminist liberation will always be on the back of his mind. Yes the feminine will be the most ardent and favoured element.
Rahu’s aspect on his 4th house will reverse the general sympathy and support into criticism. He will always be surrounded by the network of critics and opponents. This is the weak part of his chart. This will always make the president feel insecure.
The intelligent & the intellectual, the brainy & planners, will be the most dreaded opponents in the president’s life. The president will face stiff and constant opposition from these elements of the society. They will wow to oppose tooth & nail in the president’s style of functioning.
Mercury conjunction Sun will support the president in changing the American economy, reversing the downward trend to stability and then the upward movement. Stability will be restored by April/May and downward trend will be locked to stability. By Dec 2010 the graphs will start showing the uptrend and the world economy will reap the gains. Scams and fraudulent practices unearthed during this period will be shown the outdoor.
Bullets, arms, ammunitions, will all be aimed at the president. Mars in conjunction with Rahu in 8th house risks the president to accidents; bullets and ammunitions will be aimed to destroy him.
The period Apr 2009 to Feb 2010 will be very dicey for the president. His enemies will be gunning for him. The security cover around the president will have a tough task to locate the genuine and hoax calls. Appointments, schedules will be altered. Secret & undisclosed meetings will be the mantra. March 2010 to July 2012 will be the period of changes; the US economy will see new laws framed & old ones modified. Change will be the anthem of American’s. The world will be asked to change and follow. New technology will be implemented. Secrecy will be very high. Aug 2012 onwards will make him the most popular President the world has seen. Appreciation, acceptances, awards, rewards, bliss, and more will follow for the president. Yes the president will rule for another eight years. Fellow American’s and world statesmen will accept and stand up and say HAIL OBAMA. LONG LIVE THE PRESIDENT. WE ALL LOVE YOU.
Astrological Prediction for Feb 2009
This month for you from 01.02.2009 to 28.02.2009
All prediction are based on respective Janma lagna’s.
General prediction: Jupiter/Guru is debilated in Makar Rashi & also will be in conjunction with Rahu & aspect of Ketu. Afflicted Guru is also bhav nashak. Jupiter being an all-rounder planet in any horoscope takes care of our dhan bhav, budhi & santaan bhav, bhagya, karma, labh & in women’s chart is also the karak for husband. Guru also is the karak for obesity, diabetes, head, feet, & backache. Those who have debilated Guru in their respective Janma charts, & Guru maha dasha/antar dasha/perpattyana dasha is going on will feel the negative effective of Guru as pointed above in the respective bhav it is situated & those who do not have debilated Guru but guru maha dasha/antar dasha/perpattyana dasha is going on will feel 50% negative effect of Guru as pointed above in the respective bhav it is situated as transition planets also give 50% results in our charts.
Notes: Sun transits into Kumbh rashi on 12.02.09. Mangal has got exalted in Makar rashi on 27.01.09. It will remain in this rashi for the entire month. Mercury remains in Makar rashi. It gets Margi/in direct motion on 1.02.09. Jupiter remains debilated in Makar rashi. Shukra is exalted in Meen rashi on 27.01.09. Exalted Shukra will boost the share market & will also bring volatility in the market. Sani gets retrograde on 31.12.08 late night. This will bring instability not only in individual lives but also in the world economy.
Transition of Sun into Kumbh Rashi is not auspicious this time as it comes under Sani’s aspect. Conjunction of Rahu & debilated Guru & later Mangal on 27.01.09 & aspect of Ketu will give health issues & surgeries to the human body. Depending in the house they are situated surgery to eyes, ears, heart, stomach, kidney, spine, slip disc & feet is a strong possibility. Skin problems like eczema, boils & blisters, acnes, psoriasis, Lucoderma will also escalate. Exalted Venus will also increase sex desire & copulation.
Aries: Health & energy level will be good this entire month, but backaches, slip disc will increase and transition of Mangal may give surgery to the spine. Finances appear to be good but will not stay in hand. Teachers & orators will see problems in throat. Energy level in giving speech or talking will be chocking. Mother’s health will be a cause of concern & conflicts with mother is also a strong possibility. Students in computer & mechanical engineering & MBA will feel confident & also nervous for their exams. Students who are in medical science will do very well specially related to surgery. Afflicted mercury will give loss of memory. Conflicts with children may happen. Natives with weak kidney or having kidney stone may need the required surgery. Romance will be in the direction of sense enjoyment & illicit relationship. But fortunes will be mixed with a lot of aggression. Scenario in the office/job/work place will be in a mess like situation. Confusion, conflicts, false blames & faults, inefficiency and bribery in government offices will increase. Natives in foreign trade will receive good offers after the 12th. Aries lagna natives will look forward to enjoy life due to exalted Venus.
Taurus: General health will be good this month. Finances may be blissful this month. Sudden financial gains are indicated. Windfall gains from speculation, betting, horse racing, and cards are a possibility. But money will be instable. This is a good time for taking loans/borrowing money. Energy level will be good. Land deals will give good results. This is a good time to buy & invest in property. Children in research work will do well. Spouse’s health improves but ill health of father could depress you. Transfer or change of job is a strong possibility. Natives in foreign trade & financial consultancy will see growth. Stressed relationship with young siblings, friends & relatives are indicated. Natives aspiring to look for new job openings will find one.
Gemini: Health will be average this month. Problems related to skin, loss of hair, weak nails, kidney, will be visible. Spouse’s health will also be affected. Instable and less finances will add anxiety thus making you rude & arrogant. But sudden financial gains are also indicated from speculation & gambling. Stress in relationships with young siblings, friends and spouses are indicated. Children will excel in studies and exams. Preparations for exams will go well. Spouses’ ill health may be fatal. Fortunes will be good & favourable. Atmosphere at work place improves considerably. Intelligence & competitiveness takes the first seat. Natives looking for overseas job opportunities will get job offers with visas. You will spend time and money on shopping, movies, outing, leisure activities, short weekends, cosmetics, garments etc. Watch your wallet.
Cancer: Ill health is an issue for you. But ill health of your spouse and children will also add to your miseries. Your spouse may suffer from problems related to skin & kidney. Longevity will not be a problem. Finances will improve after the 12th. A sudden change in nature to spent thrift will rule your mind. Natives aspiring for overseas opportunities will see some result happening on their efforts. Romance will be in the aggressive & spicy. Singles looking for love mates will find one now. Natives aspiring to get married will get married this year. Fortunes will be favourable & your attachment with your father will increase. Work in office will be streamlined despite opposition and friction. Your energy level at work place will increase. Your constant hard work & efforts will get you a good applause & appreciation. Natives in foreign trade will see improvements. Expenses on research & investigation type of work will increase.
Leo: Lions, you are the luckiest among the twelve zodiacs, debilated Jupiter will shower good luck and charm on you for this entire year. Presence of Saturn will give some health issues, but financially you should do well despite the temporary daridra yog due to mercury in transit. Natives aspiring for overseas jobs will see results coming through. Jobless will get job offers. Your yog karak Mangal is exalted; you must make the best use of the good time. This is the right time to invest in property, increase your earnings in property brokerage. Enemies will literarily will be scared of you. Make the best use of it. Problems related to stomach will persist. Keep a watch on your diet. Ulcers & surgery to stomach is not ruled out. Transit of Sun on 12th may increase conflicts with your spouse. Karma lord exalted will bring you in lime light at your work place. Fortunes are favourable, so is work in your office or work place. Natives in foreign trade will see some temporary setbacks. Expenses will also be on the rise. Ketu in Pushya Nakshatra will make you more spiritual conscious.
Virgo: Virgo’s luck will be favourable. Health will be good & sudden financial gains are also indicated. Your contacts will escalate & your energy level will be good. Property matters will give good results. This is also a good time period to buy property. Children in computer studies and also in medical science will do well. Transit of Sun on 12th may give you stomach ailments and also surgery is a strong possibility. A loan due to diseased condition is likely. Jobless natives looking for job will get job offers. Natives looking for overseas offers should find one. Eligible singles will find their mates; romance will be in moon light nights. Your mother may get diabetic. Fortunes will improve for good. Foreign trade will see some setback & disappointments. Expenses related to children’s education and well being will increase.
Libra: Health will be good. Finances will improve. Sudden financial gains are indicated. Financial gains in property matters are indicated. Mother’s ill health & name & fame will improve. You will be looking forward towards buying new house & vehicles. Transit of Sun will increase pain in your stomach. Children will do well in studies. Married natives can look forward for sudden gifts from their in laws. Natives who are media industry like acting, music, art, directorship and designing will do well. Creativity will be at its peak. Fortunes will be favourable. Fathers’ health will also improve. Friction, quarrels, loss of job, hold up in promotion, no increase in salary will dominate. Natives looking for overseas job will get job offers. Jobless will also get job offers after the 12th. Expenses related to vehicle maintenance & house renovation will increase.
Scorpio: Health will be good. Finances will also improve. You will be very precise & specific in your speech but also rude. Your energy level will be excellent. You will improve your contacts with high profile people, politicians & influential people. Pain in the right ear will increase. If not attended to it in time may lead to surgery or deafness. Mother’s health will improve, so will desire to buy new house, vehicle, and home appliance. Children will do well in their studies but you need pay your attention on them. Eligible singles will find their love mates & will be thinking to get married in this year. Researchers & Scientists will make good progress in their inventions & discoveries. Father’s health will not be good. Government executives will see promotion & transfer in their work place after the 12th. Natives looking for overseas opportunities will get conditional offers. You will spend time and money on shopping, movies, outing, leisure activities, short weekends, cosmetics, garments etc for your children. Watch your wallet.
Sagittarius: Health is not good. Transition of mars has made you aggressive & bold. But finances are good but instable as expenses ready list is in your pocket. Your right eye is also having problems. Surgery is not ruled out. Natives looking for overseas job will see some results. Joint family property matters will get settled. Children will do well in their studies & will also make you feel proud & satisfied. Relationship with young siblings and father will see some strain after the 12th. This is a good time to buy new house, vehicles, and home gadgets. Romance will end up in some conflict. Fortune will be slow but certain. Energy level will be good. Government employees will get promotion but with disappointing increase in pay. Natives in trade of optics, lenses, camera equipments, liquor & financial consultancy will see growth. Expenses in maintaining your health will increase.
Capricorn: Health has always been not encouraging & presence of debilated Jupiter is also a matter of concern but transition of mercury will help in restoring the negative effects of debilated Jupiter. You will be inclined into deity worship of God. Natives in media activities will see good appreciation & also financial gains. Relations with young siblings will improve. Matters related to property will improve. Disputes & litigation will get settled. Children will do well in their studies. Conflicts with spouse will see no end. Romance will be in the air. Eligible singles will get married this year. Love marriages will increase. Fortunes will be favourable. Your 6th sense will get activated. Natives in business related to guns, arms & ammunition will do well. Expenses related to you on spiritual front will increase.
Aquarius: Your overall health is good. Name & fame & appreciation will be the jingle of the year. But finances are good. Left eye and feet are tinkling. Surgery is a possibility. Natives aspiring for overseas opportunities will see some light or silver lining in the dark. Your yog karak Venus is exalted in house of finances. Your mind will be active in buying a new car, home appliances, etc. Students will not do well in studies. Their concentration will be disturbing. Romance is in the air. A constant conflict with spouse is killing. Divorce suit is a possibility. Natives involved in research activity will see sudden and unexpected appreciation of their work. Father’s health is good. Fortunes are favourable. Natives in police, army will see good financial gains. Business will yield losses. Expenses are more than income. Visit to hospitals, courts, prisons, police stations are indicated. You may lose your wallet or cell phone around the 11th or 12th.
Pisces: Debilated Jupiter is giving you not only loss in name & fame but transition of exalted Venus in your lagna will restore some losses. Finances will be good & stable. Your desire to sense enjoyment will increase. You will spend time and money on shopping & leisure activities. You will use your intelligence to its best. Mind will be very suspicious. Your enemies will be very active. Handling them will be very difficult. Natives aspiring for overseas job opportunities will get conditional offers. Romance will be in the air. Relationship with your spouse may get strained. Sudden financial gains are indicated. Natives in police, army will get raise in their pay packets & promotion to the eligible is also indicated. Atmosphere in office or work front is disappointing. An unknown fear or phobia is ruling your mind. Foreign trade is at its lowest. Expenses, court cases, disputes, visit to the hospital, prison are all indicated.
All prediction are based on respective Janma lagna’s.
General prediction: Jupiter/Guru is debilated in Makar Rashi & also will be in conjunction with Rahu & aspect of Ketu. Afflicted Guru is also bhav nashak. Jupiter being an all-rounder planet in any horoscope takes care of our dhan bhav, budhi & santaan bhav, bhagya, karma, labh & in women’s chart is also the karak for husband. Guru also is the karak for obesity, diabetes, head, feet, & backache. Those who have debilated Guru in their respective Janma charts, & Guru maha dasha/antar dasha/perpattyana dasha is going on will feel the negative effective of Guru as pointed above in the respective bhav it is situated & those who do not have debilated Guru but guru maha dasha/antar dasha/perpattyana dasha is going on will feel 50% negative effect of Guru as pointed above in the respective bhav it is situated as transition planets also give 50% results in our charts.
Notes: Sun transits into Kumbh rashi on 12.02.09. Mangal has got exalted in Makar rashi on 27.01.09. It will remain in this rashi for the entire month. Mercury remains in Makar rashi. It gets Margi/in direct motion on 1.02.09. Jupiter remains debilated in Makar rashi. Shukra is exalted in Meen rashi on 27.01.09. Exalted Shukra will boost the share market & will also bring volatility in the market. Sani gets retrograde on 31.12.08 late night. This will bring instability not only in individual lives but also in the world economy.
Transition of Sun into Kumbh Rashi is not auspicious this time as it comes under Sani’s aspect. Conjunction of Rahu & debilated Guru & later Mangal on 27.01.09 & aspect of Ketu will give health issues & surgeries to the human body. Depending in the house they are situated surgery to eyes, ears, heart, stomach, kidney, spine, slip disc & feet is a strong possibility. Skin problems like eczema, boils & blisters, acnes, psoriasis, Lucoderma will also escalate. Exalted Venus will also increase sex desire & copulation.
Aries: Health & energy level will be good this entire month, but backaches, slip disc will increase and transition of Mangal may give surgery to the spine. Finances appear to be good but will not stay in hand. Teachers & orators will see problems in throat. Energy level in giving speech or talking will be chocking. Mother’s health will be a cause of concern & conflicts with mother is also a strong possibility. Students in computer & mechanical engineering & MBA will feel confident & also nervous for their exams. Students who are in medical science will do very well specially related to surgery. Afflicted mercury will give loss of memory. Conflicts with children may happen. Natives with weak kidney or having kidney stone may need the required surgery. Romance will be in the direction of sense enjoyment & illicit relationship. But fortunes will be mixed with a lot of aggression. Scenario in the office/job/work place will be in a mess like situation. Confusion, conflicts, false blames & faults, inefficiency and bribery in government offices will increase. Natives in foreign trade will receive good offers after the 12th. Aries lagna natives will look forward to enjoy life due to exalted Venus.
Taurus: General health will be good this month. Finances may be blissful this month. Sudden financial gains are indicated. Windfall gains from speculation, betting, horse racing, and cards are a possibility. But money will be instable. This is a good time for taking loans/borrowing money. Energy level will be good. Land deals will give good results. This is a good time to buy & invest in property. Children in research work will do well. Spouse’s health improves but ill health of father could depress you. Transfer or change of job is a strong possibility. Natives in foreign trade & financial consultancy will see growth. Stressed relationship with young siblings, friends & relatives are indicated. Natives aspiring to look for new job openings will find one.
Gemini: Health will be average this month. Problems related to skin, loss of hair, weak nails, kidney, will be visible. Spouse’s health will also be affected. Instable and less finances will add anxiety thus making you rude & arrogant. But sudden financial gains are also indicated from speculation & gambling. Stress in relationships with young siblings, friends and spouses are indicated. Children will excel in studies and exams. Preparations for exams will go well. Spouses’ ill health may be fatal. Fortunes will be good & favourable. Atmosphere at work place improves considerably. Intelligence & competitiveness takes the first seat. Natives looking for overseas job opportunities will get job offers with visas. You will spend time and money on shopping, movies, outing, leisure activities, short weekends, cosmetics, garments etc. Watch your wallet.
Cancer: Ill health is an issue for you. But ill health of your spouse and children will also add to your miseries. Your spouse may suffer from problems related to skin & kidney. Longevity will not be a problem. Finances will improve after the 12th. A sudden change in nature to spent thrift will rule your mind. Natives aspiring for overseas opportunities will see some result happening on their efforts. Romance will be in the aggressive & spicy. Singles looking for love mates will find one now. Natives aspiring to get married will get married this year. Fortunes will be favourable & your attachment with your father will increase. Work in office will be streamlined despite opposition and friction. Your energy level at work place will increase. Your constant hard work & efforts will get you a good applause & appreciation. Natives in foreign trade will see improvements. Expenses on research & investigation type of work will increase.
Leo: Lions, you are the luckiest among the twelve zodiacs, debilated Jupiter will shower good luck and charm on you for this entire year. Presence of Saturn will give some health issues, but financially you should do well despite the temporary daridra yog due to mercury in transit. Natives aspiring for overseas jobs will see results coming through. Jobless will get job offers. Your yog karak Mangal is exalted; you must make the best use of the good time. This is the right time to invest in property, increase your earnings in property brokerage. Enemies will literarily will be scared of you. Make the best use of it. Problems related to stomach will persist. Keep a watch on your diet. Ulcers & surgery to stomach is not ruled out. Transit of Sun on 12th may increase conflicts with your spouse. Karma lord exalted will bring you in lime light at your work place. Fortunes are favourable, so is work in your office or work place. Natives in foreign trade will see some temporary setbacks. Expenses will also be on the rise. Ketu in Pushya Nakshatra will make you more spiritual conscious.
Virgo: Virgo’s luck will be favourable. Health will be good & sudden financial gains are also indicated. Your contacts will escalate & your energy level will be good. Property matters will give good results. This is also a good time period to buy property. Children in computer studies and also in medical science will do well. Transit of Sun on 12th may give you stomach ailments and also surgery is a strong possibility. A loan due to diseased condition is likely. Jobless natives looking for job will get job offers. Natives looking for overseas offers should find one. Eligible singles will find their mates; romance will be in moon light nights. Your mother may get diabetic. Fortunes will improve for good. Foreign trade will see some setback & disappointments. Expenses related to children’s education and well being will increase.
Libra: Health will be good. Finances will improve. Sudden financial gains are indicated. Financial gains in property matters are indicated. Mother’s ill health & name & fame will improve. You will be looking forward towards buying new house & vehicles. Transit of Sun will increase pain in your stomach. Children will do well in studies. Married natives can look forward for sudden gifts from their in laws. Natives who are media industry like acting, music, art, directorship and designing will do well. Creativity will be at its peak. Fortunes will be favourable. Fathers’ health will also improve. Friction, quarrels, loss of job, hold up in promotion, no increase in salary will dominate. Natives looking for overseas job will get job offers. Jobless will also get job offers after the 12th. Expenses related to vehicle maintenance & house renovation will increase.
Scorpio: Health will be good. Finances will also improve. You will be very precise & specific in your speech but also rude. Your energy level will be excellent. You will improve your contacts with high profile people, politicians & influential people. Pain in the right ear will increase. If not attended to it in time may lead to surgery or deafness. Mother’s health will improve, so will desire to buy new house, vehicle, and home appliance. Children will do well in their studies but you need pay your attention on them. Eligible singles will find their love mates & will be thinking to get married in this year. Researchers & Scientists will make good progress in their inventions & discoveries. Father’s health will not be good. Government executives will see promotion & transfer in their work place after the 12th. Natives looking for overseas opportunities will get conditional offers. You will spend time and money on shopping, movies, outing, leisure activities, short weekends, cosmetics, garments etc for your children. Watch your wallet.
Sagittarius: Health is not good. Transition of mars has made you aggressive & bold. But finances are good but instable as expenses ready list is in your pocket. Your right eye is also having problems. Surgery is not ruled out. Natives looking for overseas job will see some results. Joint family property matters will get settled. Children will do well in their studies & will also make you feel proud & satisfied. Relationship with young siblings and father will see some strain after the 12th. This is a good time to buy new house, vehicles, and home gadgets. Romance will end up in some conflict. Fortune will be slow but certain. Energy level will be good. Government employees will get promotion but with disappointing increase in pay. Natives in trade of optics, lenses, camera equipments, liquor & financial consultancy will see growth. Expenses in maintaining your health will increase.
Capricorn: Health has always been not encouraging & presence of debilated Jupiter is also a matter of concern but transition of mercury will help in restoring the negative effects of debilated Jupiter. You will be inclined into deity worship of God. Natives in media activities will see good appreciation & also financial gains. Relations with young siblings will improve. Matters related to property will improve. Disputes & litigation will get settled. Children will do well in their studies. Conflicts with spouse will see no end. Romance will be in the air. Eligible singles will get married this year. Love marriages will increase. Fortunes will be favourable. Your 6th sense will get activated. Natives in business related to guns, arms & ammunition will do well. Expenses related to you on spiritual front will increase.
Aquarius: Your overall health is good. Name & fame & appreciation will be the jingle of the year. But finances are good. Left eye and feet are tinkling. Surgery is a possibility. Natives aspiring for overseas opportunities will see some light or silver lining in the dark. Your yog karak Venus is exalted in house of finances. Your mind will be active in buying a new car, home appliances, etc. Students will not do well in studies. Their concentration will be disturbing. Romance is in the air. A constant conflict with spouse is killing. Divorce suit is a possibility. Natives involved in research activity will see sudden and unexpected appreciation of their work. Father’s health is good. Fortunes are favourable. Natives in police, army will see good financial gains. Business will yield losses. Expenses are more than income. Visit to hospitals, courts, prisons, police stations are indicated. You may lose your wallet or cell phone around the 11th or 12th.
Pisces: Debilated Jupiter is giving you not only loss in name & fame but transition of exalted Venus in your lagna will restore some losses. Finances will be good & stable. Your desire to sense enjoyment will increase. You will spend time and money on shopping & leisure activities. You will use your intelligence to its best. Mind will be very suspicious. Your enemies will be very active. Handling them will be very difficult. Natives aspiring for overseas job opportunities will get conditional offers. Romance will be in the air. Relationship with your spouse may get strained. Sudden financial gains are indicated. Natives in police, army will get raise in their pay packets & promotion to the eligible is also indicated. Atmosphere in office or work front is disappointing. An unknown fear or phobia is ruling your mind. Foreign trade is at its lowest. Expenses, court cases, disputes, visit to the hospital, prison are all indicated.
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