Thursday, March 5, 2009

Prediction for the month of March 2009

This month for you from 01.03.2009 to 31.03.2009
All prediction are based on respective Janma lagna’s.
General prediction:
Jupiter/Guru is debilated in Makar Rashi & also will be in conjunction with Rahu & aspect of Ketu. Afflicted Guru is also bhav nashak. Jupiter being an all-rounder planet in any horoscope takes care of our dhan bhav, budhi & santaan bhav, bhagya, karma, labh & in women’s chart is also the karak for husband. Guru also is the karak for obesity, diabetes, head, feet, & backache. Those who have debilated Guru in their respective Janma charts, & Guru maha dasha/antar dasha/perpattyana dasha is going on will feel the negative effective of Guru as pointed above in the respective bhav it is situated & those who do not have debilated Guru but guru maha dasha/antar dasha/perpattyana dasha is going on will feel 50% negative effect of Guru as pointed above in the respective bhav it is situated as transition planets also give 50% results in our charts.
Notes: Surya/Sun transits into Meen/Pisces rashi/sign on 14.03.09. Mangal/Mars transits into Kumbh/Aquarius rashi/sign on 07.03.09. Budh/Mercury transits into Kumbh/Aquarius rashi/sign on 04.03.09 and later in transit to Meen/Pisces rashi/sign on 22.03.09 will get debilated. Guru/Jupiter remains debilated in Makar/Capricorn rashi/sign. Shukra/Venus is exalted in Meen/Pisces rashi/sign & gets vakri/retrograde on 06.03.09. Retrograde exalted Shukra/Venus will boost the share market & will also bring volatility in the market. Sani/Saturn remains retrograde in this entire month. This will bring instability not only in individual lives but also in the world economy.
Aries: Health will remain good this month. Instability in finaces will increase after 7th march due to transition of mangal to kumbh rashi. Your overall energy will be good but minor throat infections will increase. Attachment with your mother will increase; her illhealth will be a cause of concern. You may visit your doctor for chest & kidney related matters. Children preparing for engineering & doctors exams will be preparing for their exams agressively and will do well in their respective exams. You will give a tough time to your enemies who are hacking on you consistently. You will be more romantic & charmful towards your spouse. Ofcourse this will drill your wallet a bit. Fortunes may not be favourable; government employees will see transfer and shift in place of work. Your intelligence which has been a slow responder will help you in executing your work more efficiently. Jobless natives aspiring for new job openings will get new job offers. Natives aspiring to work/travel overseas will get job offers. Expenses on the family and also to please your loved ones will increase.
Taurus: Your overall health will not be good; you will be very aggressive for the next 45 days to come. Your aggression will be telling on you, your mind & intelligence also. Financially a good period provided you are willing to work hard. Your hard work only will give you financial gains. Relations with your young siblings & friends will be very stressful. Matter related to property & land will be at a snail place fruitful. Children appearing for exams will do well. They will be aggressively prepared. You will stand to gain from your enemies & foes. Do not neglect them, be pally with them. Romance as usual is in the air, but single natives who are looking for dating or partners will find one. Bad luck will prevail specially to your father. Government & all other working natives looking for transfer and/or change of job will get their confirmation. Retrogate Venus will increase your gains from overseas contracts. Court cases will take a new twist & direction. Be prepared for victory. Expenses will also multiply.
Gemini: Your general health will improve accept, problems related to chest will persist. Financially a stressful period will ease. But instability will remain. Your energy level will remain good, your friends & young siblings will be very supportive in your efforts. Relations with your father will be aggressive but stressed & compromised. Matters related to property, vehicles will be very fruitful & will yield good results. Children will excell in their exams. Despite you are not well prepared you will fare good in the exams. Your loan applications will be given the green signal. Your father may also inherit some debts due to their children. Romance is in the air, as your spouses health is a cause of concern. But your will power will remain strong. Fortunes will be favourable but do expect some ill-luck. Work conditions & working surroundings are sounding like musical chairs. You will love to be engrosed in your work & will give your best. Natives in foreign business will excell & stand to gain both financially & also contracts. You will not regrett the drills in your wallet.
Cancer: Ill-health will persist but some relief can be seen interminently. Problems related to throat will give you anxiety. Temporary financial relief will get over after the 14th. You will be forced by heart to speak lies & your rude speech can make relations stressful. You will be aggressive in your efforts, more involved in research oriented work. If you have been waiting for inheriting any property from your mother will happen in this month. This is also the right time to buy new vehicles, move into new house, buy new house gadgets. Pregnant natives should be careful. Miscarraige/abortion is a strong possibility. Children in research work will excell; rest will find it hard to concentrate in their studies. They need to put super extra efforts in their exams. Your spouses will inheret the disease state from you. Romance will be in the air. Constant conflicts, seperation, divorce will be the mantra. Natives having problems related to fistulas will have a tough time. Rectum cancer could be a possibility. Fortunes will be favourable. Friction, fights, dissatisfaction, firing from the top bosses at your work place will persist. Natives in foreign trade will do well. Fortunes will favour them. You may be hospitalized due to asthama or breathing related problems.
Leo: Lions be prepared for some health relatd issues. The next 45 days will make you soar with health problems. Finances will be stable now. Daridra yog due to transit is over for now. Natives working on research work will do well. Matters related to property, house, will give good results. Children will find it difficult to concentrate in their exams. They may not fare well in the exams. Enemies will be tackled by you very effectively. Romance is in the air. Friction with spouse will increase. Manglic yog due to trnasit is the cause. Next 45 days will be very tough with your souse. Fortunes will be favourable. Smothness in your work atmosphere in your office will inspire you to put in more work hours. Natives looking for overseas opportunities will get this time. Native also in foreign trade will do well. Moksj/liberation from all the problems you have had in the past will be the mantra. Expenses as usual will be high.
Virgo: Health will be a cause of concern. Problems related to kidney/liver may lead to surgery. Financially a good period lies ahead for you. Expect strained relations with your young siblings & friends for the next 45 days. Your energy level will also be low. Problems related to property matters will ease. But getting cheated is also a strong possibility. Children appearing for their exams will do well by appling their 6th sense which is very strongly prevailing. Enemies will be handled very effectively. Next 45 days will find enemies being defeated by you. Relationship with your spouse will be charmful, romantic, exotic, and full of pleasures. You will wish the watch stops ticking for ever. Sudden financial gains are indicated. This may happen in next 45 days. Fortunes will be favourable. Atmosphere in your office will be full of friction, fights, quarrels, disputes, and misunderstanding and fearful. Gains from overseas will not be stable. Expenses will continue to drill your wallet.
Libra: Despite teething ill health problems you will remain as always fit & awesom. Financial matters may be disturbing. Insatibility will remain. Your energy level will be below par. Conflict with young siblings & friends is not ruled out. Matters related to property, vehicles will be hazy. A clear picture will still not emerge. Problems related to stomach will increase. Surgery is also a strong probability. Children appearing for exams will find it difficult to concentrate. Single elligible natives will find their love mate. Wedding bells will sound in their mind. Sudden financial gains are a strong possibility. Fortunes are favourable. Work atmosphere is depressing. Constant fights, quarells, disputes & misunderstanding remain. Natives into foreign trade stand to gain. Natives looking for jobs will find new job offers. Expenses on children will increase.
Scorpio: Health will not be good. Throat infection, chest infection, tuberculios problem is a strong probability. Breast cancer, thyriod is also not ruled out. Matters related to property, new vehicles will draw your attention. A fruitful time is on the cards. Your mother’s ill-health will be a concern for you. Students appearing for their exams will excell in their exams. But be on guard as stomach problem may make you loose your concentration. Elligible singles will find their love mates. Wedding bells are sounding in your ears. Natives looking for new job offers will find new offers. Next 60 days are very beneficial for you all. Natives in research oriented work will receive acclamation. Relations with your father are very stressfull. Work atmosphere is slow & lethargic. Natives looking for transfer, change of work place may happen. You will be aggressive by mind, at your work place and also in your business deals. Expenses pertaining to your childrens needs will increase.
Sagittarius: Health will be fluctuating. Financially, not a good period as instability will remain. Energy level is excellent, relations with your young siblings, friends will be stressful. Mother’s health has improved. An excellent time to buy new house, invest in property, buy a new vehicle, home appliances. Children will do well in their exams. For once you will love your enemies. Elligible singles will find their mates through arranged sources. Fortunes will be very slow; relationship with your father will be stressed. You will use your contacts to earn a promotion in your work. Overseas contacts & contracts will be a source of asset for you. Expenses on your young siblings & friends will increase. You will find it hard to avoid them.
Capricorn: Poor health, lost name & fame, distress & frustration. Miseries cannot be avoided. Finances are coming but intermitantly & are going off immediately. Savings are very poor. Energy level is good. Relations with the young siblings and friends are improving and are also supportive & understanding. Property deals will certainly give good earnings. Children appearing for exams will certainly do well. Loans are on the card. This is the right time for loans & borrowings. Romance is in the air, conflicts & quarrels with the spouse are increasing day by day. Natives in the field of reearch & development will do well. Fortunes are favourable but instable. Extra efforts put in office will certainly give the extra award & reward. Natives in foreign trade will stand to gain financially from the overseas contacts. Old dues will certainly materialise now. Expenses on the spiritual front will increase. Right time to go for charities.
Aquarius: Health is not on average level. Name & fame is their but when the back is turned backing biting increases. Agression level is very high. Finances are excellent. The money locker is overflowing with tons of money. Political contacts are giving results. More contracts can be signed with their help. Any property deal will give good profits. Right time to sell the property. Students will fare very well in their exams. Enemies & foes can be handled proficiently. Romance is in the air. Disputes, conflicts are resulting in seperation & divorce. Fortunes are extremely favourable. Natives in police, army, and military will do very well. Promotions & increased pay packet is on the cards. Gains from business are extremely terrifying. A huge hole in the bucket is making all the financial gain drained out. Expenses are mounting, so are the court cases & litigations.
Pisces: Debilated Jupiter is giving you not only loss in name & fame but transition of exalted Venus in your lagna has restored some losses. Finances are instable. With mounting expenses all the money is getting drained. But your contacts are improving. Make best use of them. Property deals may lead to losses. Mother’s health is a cause of concern. Chest related problems will increase. Children will find hard to concentrate on the studies which may affect them in their exams. Enemies are getting a fair deal of their enimity shown earlier. Romance is in the air. Conflicts with spouse will increase. Fortunes will also not favour. There is a hazy atmosphere at the place of work thus making you feel insecured. Natives in foreign trade connected to liquor, leather will do well. Be careful with your wallet & mobile phone, else they may get flicked on 13th or 14th.

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